Give tips please!
Any ICC25 hc items which are better in any slots?
Tigressi @ Grim Batol - Community - World of Warcraft
Tigressi @ Grim Batol - Community - World of Warcraft
If you are about to level professions take in mind that ALL combat benefits from each proff will be gone in WoD.
Whilst they've said it, I'm not convinced if all of them will go.
I'm not sure if warlocks value haste more than raw Int, but it looks like you're missing the other 409 Inttrinket:
Satex @ Stormrage - Community - World of Warcraft
EDIT: Along the same not, you will get more Int out of using the heroic Plauge Scientist's Boots (I just got mine earlier today and can confirm that they give more intellect than the green crafted ones).
Ahh, gotcha. Yeah, I really started messing more with Mastery lastnight after switching my belt gem, definitely made a difference (even though I'm just frost).
I'll work out a couple more things, and try to get the hourglass trinket again. Just when I thought I was done JP farming...heh.