As the tittle says you have to suggest something to Blizz. P2Ps and F2Ps. Ill post this on the F2P bracket too. I just talked with a GM about this and he said that thats a good idea and he wanted me to make it popular.
OT : The idea is , ARENAS BEGINGING FROM LEVEL 10 or 15,
Reasons :
Want to see my ticket ?
Here :
World Of Warcraft - My in-game issue is not listed here. (Ticket US45115752)
Status: Resolved
(Marked by User)
Lentian Pjeci
Hey blizz , Is it true that there will be rated arenas for every bracket beginig from 10 ? In WoD sure
! That would make the game EPIC and Twinks would Extremely Love IT!
1 day ago
Customer Service Representative
Hey there friend, Game Master Werzkin at your service!
I haven't seen any reports of Arena changes juuuust yet for Warlords, but if that isn't a change, it's certainly a good idea! I think you have very good feedback, however we don't have any way to send this to the game developers from Customer Support. This feedback must go on the forums if its going to be seen by the Development team. You can locate the forums here:
World of Warcraft: Forums - World of Warcraft
Starcraft II: Forums - StarCraft II
Diablo III: https://battle.net/d3/en/forum/
Although you may not see a direct response from the developers they do take this feedback into consideration when adjusting the ranking system, and I think that you may find there are other players who agree with you. The more voices we have for things like this, the more attention it will get!
18 hours ago
Please SUGGEST! ^_^
EDIT: If you play on this bracket means that you have a paid Account , so please post this idea on the WoW forums.
OT : The idea is , ARENAS BEGINGING FROM LEVEL 10 or 15,
Reasons :
- THere will also be Conquest Gears for lv 20s if they do it.
- Twinkies will love it.
- The game for this bracket would become E P I C !!! Thats a cool thing, because doing only BGs is annoying.
Want to see my ticket ?
Here :
World Of Warcraft - My in-game issue is not listed here. (Ticket US45115752)
Status: Resolved
(Marked by User)
Lentian Pjeci
Hey blizz , Is it true that there will be rated arenas for every bracket beginig from 10 ? In WoD sure
1 day ago
Customer Service Representative
Hey there friend, Game Master Werzkin at your service!
I haven't seen any reports of Arena changes juuuust yet for Warlords, but if that isn't a change, it's certainly a good idea! I think you have very good feedback, however we don't have any way to send this to the game developers from Customer Support. This feedback must go on the forums if its going to be seen by the Development team. You can locate the forums here:
World of Warcraft: Forums - World of Warcraft
Starcraft II: Forums - StarCraft II
Diablo III: https://battle.net/d3/en/forum/
Although you may not see a direct response from the developers they do take this feedback into consideration when adjusting the ranking system, and I think that you may find there are other players who agree with you. The more voices we have for things like this, the more attention it will get!
18 hours ago
Please SUGGEST! ^_^
EDIT: If you play on this bracket means that you have a paid Account , so please post this idea on the WoW forums.
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