EU Ally vs Horde Wargames


Setting up competitive wargames. (Not all out try-hard or anything, but balanced teams with strong players with good gear or BiS)

Rules are currently based on 8 vs 8, but this could change depending on interest on both sides.

Current rules.
2 healers on each side, cannot have 2 of the same spec of healer on one team.
No BA or one shot classes (feral/ww)
Only one enhance and one spriest/hunter.
Will try to keep the number of hybrid classes the same for each team.
No more than 2 of any class in the same role. (e.g. can have holy Pala and 2 ret Palas but not 3 ret Palas)

The Horde team is led by Uluf, PM his XPoff account if you would like to join.
The Alliance team is led by me and Elation, PM me or Elation on XPoff or add my BTag (Zebedee#2344) if you would like to join.

The dates and times will be decided once the teams are set up, when the most people can make it.
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So we had another 2x games yd and going to queue 5v5,6v6 today also. Most likely wsg/twin peaks.

This is my account btw, i think plonker linked wrong one :) We might have 1 spot for tonight or we could rotate depending on Enemy teams comp.

Pm me class, specc, and link your toon here.

Yesterdays setup from our side was

fury warrx2
holy priest.
So we had another 2x games yd and going to queue 5v5,6v6 today also. Most likely wsg/twin peaks.

This is my account btw, i think plonker linked wrong one :) We might have 1 spot for tonight or we could rotate depending on Enemy teams comp.

Pm me class, specc, and link your toon here.

Yesterdays setup from our side was

fury warrx2
holy priest.

My bad! Will change that link now :) Looking forward to the games tonight :)
This is fucking hilarious.. U allow ferals? And ban the BA warriors. Sorry but this is to much. This is so fucking sad. Infinitree reroll man, feral is for losers, I get u get off to the 25k bites. And im sorry to ruin ur immersion, but srly make this more realistic. And for the record, spricks does INSANE damage in these bgs, so they should be considered "OP" Classes together with others.

Make some rules for the hybrid classes aswell. Like have max of 2-3 each, so like a boomy and a reti or sprick and a monk.

Now for the stealthers make that maxium 2. So if u really want to get off with your feral, u can only do it with another rogue. And not 2-3 other rogues. Boomies and Rdruids dosent count for stealthers. Ye cuz fuck rogues rite?

Maybe even have a max of melees and ranged to make things more interresting. And make the BG's objectivly and not just by doing World PvP inside a Motherfackking Gulch. The more brain u actually use inside the bg, the more fun it becomes.

Maybe some of these rules will ACTUALLY attract new people. And make the Bracket big once agian.

If u look at 19, they "banned" ferals in bgs. And it really helped at the bracket. Imagine u are casually running through the gulch, with trinket on "CD" and u can hear a cat meowing in the background and crit u 25k before u even notice it. Ye man I can see the fun in that. Fucking ferals and their immersions.
This is ducking hilarious.. U allow ferals? And ban the BA warriors. Sorry but this is to much. This is so ducking sad. Infinitree reroll man, feral is for losers, I get u get off to the 25k bites. And im sorry to ruin ur immersion, but srly make this more realistic. And for the record, spricks does INSANE damage in these bgs, so they should be considered "OP" Classes together with others.

Make some rules for the hybrid classes aswell. Like have max of 2-3 each, so like a boomy and a reti or sprick and a monk.

Now for the stealthers make that maxium 2. So if u really want to get off with your feral, u can only do it with another rogue. And not 2-3 other rogues. Boomies and Rdruids dosent count for stealthers. Ye cuz duck rogues rite?

Maybe even have a max of melees and ranged to make things more interresting. And make the BG's objectivly and not just by doing World PvP inside a Motherfackking Gulch. The more brain u actually use inside the bg, the more fun it becomes.

Maybe some of these rules will ACTUALLY attract new people. And make the Bracket big once agian.

If u look at 19, they "banned" ferals in bgs. And it really helped at the bracket. Imagine u are casually running through the gulch, with trinket on "CD" and u can hear a cat meowing in the background and crit u 25k before u even notice it. Ye man I can see the fun in that. ducking ferals and their immersions.

Ye man I'm trying to gear for boomie got quite a few good peices so far. But i seriously dont think BA should be allowed, i think the best would be if it was all strong classes that arent really really strong like warriors/rogues etc but that really just would be so hard to get set up and i like the maximum 2 hybrids/stealth but tbh i think hybrid healing doesnt even make a huge difference agaisnt 6dps's unless theyre there hard casting but idk ive done very few wargames at 60 (never done one as feral btw) and hmm never seen an spriest really be that OP only played like 2 games with 1 i think and fairly sure a hunter topped the board

EDIT: I changed the post lemme know if you got any other feedback but tbh I don't think this is gonna happen anyway because Uluf doesnt want to set anything up at 60 anymore

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