ally vs horde: a comparasion

S pr uo

Can someone give me a NON BIASED comparison of ally vs horde.. im not a wow veteran, and i've only played horde, i've been hearing good things about ally and they seem to win just about every bg that i play them in. Is there a drastic difference between the atmosphere of the two? how does the battleground chat compare with each other? overall maturity? i'm just curious, i would find out for myself but i honestly don't have the time. thanks!

Well....its really hard to tell the difference. Played both horde and ally, and theres alot of childish shit going on in both sides..Although it does seem that the horde side do have more ´´pro´´ players.

yeah i think horde may just be to "good" to work together, and ally had learned how to beat us while we gloat about our selves xD

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