Ally shitstorm 5.4.2


Out of 15 bgs played won only 3. rest ended up gy farmin. (eu)
Never had big win ratio but still.
Is it me just so unlucky lately or anyone els noticed changes?

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Just shoutout to GY farmers, "wp".
Cheers for all the hugs!

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u play at afternoon, theres more 24s at afternoon.

its mostly becuz horde 24increased alot, atleast from my experience.

Inc be4 horde fans, i remenber [MENTION=16203]Masara[/MENTION] making statistic about all bgs he done during couple of time and results were... normal.

Would be nice if someone did it now.
It has been like this since mop (for me at least)
But i play US and ally seem to be losing most pugs
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I haven't bothered to sign in and post for a while now, but this thread is special. I feel the exact same way, This past month, my win rate on my ally toons dropped to less than 20% and my rate on my undergeared hordes are topping 90%. Not only that, it's not like horde is winning against ally, it's more like horde is just facerolling and farming through their wins. I've also noticed that hordes are much better geared and have longer queues than ally (4-6 min horde to 3-4 min ally).
Scenarios are as follow

Ally good team vs Horde good team: Horde wins
Ally good team vs Horde undergeared team: Ally gy farms
Ally undergeared team vs Horde undergeared team: Horde wins
Ally undergeared team vs Horde good team: Horde wins
Ally 24 premade vs Horde 24 premade: Horde gy farms
Ally 24 premade vs Horde good team: Horde wins
Ally 24 premade vs Horde undergeared team: Ally gy farms
Ally good team vs Horde 24 premade: Horde wins
Ally undergeared team vs Horde 24 premade: Horde wins

Son don't be bothered if you happen to enter in an undergeared team, just ask them to leave "by any means", better players will join.

ps) ggs last night ;)
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It has been like this since mop (for me at least)
But i play US and ally seem to be losing most pugs
Seems that way because they do lol. Reroll Horde or struggle through while your team blames each other ack. Its hard to play alliance these days, depressing just to listen to your team rage as you get smashed by 24s and 5+ healer comps. Oh yeah, dont forget the hordies spamming emotes while they crush you. The shitty thing is most of the good alliance players have rerolled Horde anyway because its as awful as it is. I dont see players joining Alliance "because its more challenging" the way they did horde, if only because of the eye patch advantage the trials have. Even though eye patch alone doesnt even compare to healer 5 comps+ the mass amounts of 24 hordies.
I think it's just that the percentage you have to be put on a losing team is higher. doesn't matter if I go on my horde or ali, still lose more than I win.
Out of 15 bgs played won only 3. rest ended up gy farmin. (eu)
Never had big win ratio but still.
Is it me just so unlucky lately or anyone els noticed changes?


I farm when farming is needed . I dont know about the Russians .

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