Ally Premade team on Aerie Peak!


Hi guys! Just to let everyone know im assembling an ally side 10 man premade team to challange veintes horde side team. we will try and push to get the team ready as soon as we can, however im currently in the recruiting process for it. Therefore i need the following classes:

Hunter(2), Holy pally(3), Disc priest(2), Resto shaman(2), Arcane mage (2), Destro lock(2), Prot pally(2), Resto Druid (1) and finally (3) rogues... obviously this is a number greater than 10.. Thats to have extra ppl incase of no shows and to run different set up. : )

i will try and keep everyone up to date on avalibility with certain positions but i cannot promise any one person will make it. right now im just trying to get a 10 man team together so we can start premading again so im not pushing for some elite squad of titans so to say. so plz if anyone ally side or even horde side is interested you can contact me on my characters- Acronus undead rogue.... Androllic undead lock.... and Androlleck nelf mage. Also you can contact me with replys to thread or private messages on TI.


plz this isnt a thread to be trolled only comment or message me back if you really are interested in premading.

Thanks again guys and happy hunting!!!
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thanks alot honeybadger good to have support of old friends :D
It's just a game. So much hate. We play this game for entertainment n a little bit of an escape. I hope u achieve what your looking for. I'd love to see a strong AP alliance. This wont be popular but Vashj losing a step or 2.

Could CRZ a group to premade. Unless the purpose of premade vs premade is for teh numbor wun epeen. Then just save yourself the time and effort. Avoid the inherent antics and drama.
If you guys are open to some crz grouping, I'd be happy to join as either prot or h pal

btw I'm posting this in the thread instead of a pm so that others know if you're open to crz grouping
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currently id like all 10 to be from AP however if push comes to shove ill accept crz quieng xP... also my skype to add is acronus.isboss remember the rule must have skype so all who are interested plz download if you do not have thanks guys keep it comming
ok so i got a 10 man team down i just need another hunter and a resto druid and we will schedule our first practice in january due to holidays so no pressure on those who worry about not making it :p.... again just need resto druid and a hunter for last two spots on first team setup... dont let this discourage you if you didnt get in the team as i am making multiple teams just can only do one at a time acronus.isboss is my skype all who are on team add me you know who you are and for those who arent your on team 2 :D and we always need more so keep it up guys! ill post the team as soon as i get the remaining two.

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