US Ally Needs More 19's


It's not even a game anymore, it's just horde premades farming every game lol, people need to play Alliance it's ruining the bracket.
Strange, as horde ive been seeing more groups on alliance side premading it up with 3 druids and 4 mages. Ya'll also win the majority of Eots when blizzard graces us with it's presence all day sometimes.

Also alliance side has more straight pug twinks, not even premades. Horde side might have 2 or 3 at most verses like 6. Trust me, I've been afking a lot lately in the first two minutes.
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sounds to me like youve just had a rough patch with matchups man, keep playin and eventually youll get into an alliance streak!
It blows my mind how people still play that bracket after TC dies.
It's not even a game anymore, it's just horde premades farming every game lol, people need to play Alliance it's ruining the bracket.
Not sure this is a problem, qued 19s for 3-4 days and I've seen alot of 19 twink ally guilds. the difference between horde premades and ally premades, Horde are known to play on PvP Realm, and Ally are known to play on Roleplay realms. I have been told this fact doesn't matter because PvP Servers don't provide the purpose of World PvP anymore. yes, maybe ally is still faction population imbalanced, but i'd rather que with a guild on a PvP server, as opposed to a Ally(5 man full of Moonguard Roleplay heroes). i still feel that this arguement is important, Alliance 19s are low population compared to the many that horde have.
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