I think its down to either Nelf or Gnome.
I would pass on worgen, because everytime you use the racial and get a slow put on you your going to wish you were something else.
Nightelf take skill to abuse the charge properly, but when its done right it is a very nice edge that your opponents will be frustrated in dealing with it. But poisons and dots make it useless and as hunters are common a long with priests, it does have draw backs.
Gnomes have a near trinket to help you in exactly the situation you need it for, its better then everyman because you can charge, escape artist, trinket, sprint pot, and stay on target better, to insure a kill. Basically that extra little edge to keep on target.
Now im not sure which is better, but I would point out hunters are going to become even more OP, so I would pick the one that will give you the best odds in finishing them off.
I would pass on worgen, because everytime you use the racial and get a slow put on you your going to wish you were something else.
Nightelf take skill to abuse the charge properly, but when its done right it is a very nice edge that your opponents will be frustrated in dealing with it. But poisons and dots make it useless and as hunters are common a long with priests, it does have draw backs.
Gnomes have a near trinket to help you in exactly the situation you need it for, its better then everyman because you can charge, escape artist, trinket, sprint pot, and stay on target better, to insure a kill. Basically that extra little edge to keep on target.
Now im not sure which is better, but I would point out hunters are going to become even more OP, so I would pick the one that will give you the best odds in finishing them off.