Alliance warrior race

Night elf aint all bad either. The extra hit cap needed against you more agi and smeld crutches.
well goblin is out the the question and imo human is not all that great simply because 12 stam vs escape artist/shadowmeld/dark flight+6 resil from boa id much rather go with a cap closer think i may go with nelf because an extra charge every two minutes is pretty attractive
As far as most useful racials.....Gnome trumps all. It's nice to be able to use a second AGM, but, when it gets right down to it, Escape Artist will serve you better and in the next patch it's supposed to get it's cooldown lowered to 1.5 mins. Having that and pvp trinket is a must. The Arcane resistance is a nice bonus vs mages.

I'd put Worgen and Nelf in a tie fore second. If your good with shadowmeld it will allow you to make better use of Charge which is pretty important and it can help you get the jump on unsuspecting foes. Worgen's sprint is being reduced to 2 min cooldown and that's pretty darn good, plus they have good magic resistance to two important schools.


I'd take a second look into Dwarf after 4.06. It's quite possible that dual Mass will be Bis for warrior and expertise is a nice perk. A lot of mages play frost spec so the resistance is useful. Stoneform is being buffed too. I don't think they are going to knock gnomes out of the top spot, but, it's worth looking at.
fochixi said:
As far as most useful racials.....Gnome trumps all. It's nice to be able to use a second AGM, but, when it gets right down to it, Escape Artist will serve you better and in the next patch it's supposed to get it's cooldown lowered to 1.5 mins. Having that and pvp trinket is a must. The Arcane resistance is a nice bonus vs mages.

I'd put Worgen and Nelf in a tie fore second. If your good with shadowmeld it will allow you to make better use of Charge which is pretty important and it can help you get the jump on unsuspecting foes. Worgen's sprint is being reduced to 2 min cooldown and that's pretty darn good, plus they have good magic resistance to two important schools.

yea i see you logic but the thing i like about smeld charge vs. the other two is that it gets you right up on your target vs darkflight where if your snared for example u may not be able 2 reach them even with it and escape artisit i agree is very nice but if your target already has range on you and isnt snared it wont help you vs smeld where i may be snared but if i can get a charge off then that will give me time 2 pop piercing howl then we are both in the same boat which is to my advantage
I'd go Night Elf. The amount of times that Charge is essentially taken away from you thanks to slipping into combat sucks; Shadowmeld will ensure that (on a CD) you can use Charge to stun a bit more of the time. I don't feel Darkflight is a good enough gap-closer to be worth going Worgen imo. I just deleted the Worgen I was making because I was so disappointed with it.
augiddin said:
yea i see you logic but the thing i like about smeld charge vs. the other two is that it gets you right up on your target vs darkflight where if your snared for example u may not be able 2 reach them even with it and escape artisit i agree is very nice but if your target already has range on you and isnt snared it wont help you vs smeld where i may be snared but if i can get a charge off then that will give me time 2 pop piercing howl then we are both in the same boat which is to my advantage

Well originally you seemed indecisive so I'm giving you the best information I have. Based on your last comment it's seems you've already decided and/or have some experience with both. Have you played a warrior yet in 4.0? If you're just theroycrafting what the possible upsides of smeld are, I'll give you a small dose of reality and let you get to it.

Smeld/Charge is great. There were times when I felt it was the better ability. In the current environment, it's more likely to put you into a bad position. Warriors simply can't afford to be in open ground for long (unless you've got dedicated heals.) Doing all that work to get into range just to have a hunter snare you up and disengage away still wastes your charge. The same way a Frost mage frezes you and blinks.

To survive as a warrior you need to pick your spots. Smeld/Charge as an open field tactic is far superior to EA. They days of warriors being able to go for long periods of time in the open are gone. Now, you have to be in close quarters, where you can use los to your advantage vs hunters and other ranged classes that dominate the bracket. In these conditions, EA is far superior to smeld and that's were you should be most of the time.

If you're in a premade and you have healing support and other teammates to snare targets down for you then by all means go with nelf. The tactics are different if you have a team supporting you, but, we're not getting a lot of that at 19 yet. For pugs I tend to go with what gives me the most all around utility. If some semblance of balance ever returns to this bracket, all this could change. Right now, today, I'd rather have EA. Based on what I see in the patch notes for 4.0.6, I'd really rather have EA.
fochixi said:
Well originally you seemed indecisive so I'm giving you the best information I have. Based on your last comment it's seems you've already decided and/or have some experience with both. Have you played a warrior yet in 4.0? If you're just theroycrafting what the possible upsides of smeld are, I'll give you a small dose of reality and let you get to it.

Smeld/Charge is great. There were times when I felt it was the better ability. In the current environment, it's more likely to put you into a bad position. Warriors simply can't afford to be in open ground for long (unless you've got dedicated heals.) Doing all that work to get into range just to have a hunter snare you up and disengage away still wastes your charge. The same way a Frost mage frezes you and blinks.

To survive as a warrior you need to pick your spots. Smeld/Charge as an open field tactic is far superior to EA. They days of warriors being able to go for long periods of time in the open are gone. Now, you have to be in close quarters, where you can use los to your advantage vs hunters and other ranged classes that dominate the bracket. In these conditions, EA is far superior to smeld and that's were you should be most of the time.

If you're in a premade and you have healing support and other teammates to snare targets down for you then by all means go with nelf. The tactics are different if you have a team supporting you, but, we're not getting a lot of that at 19 yet. For pugs I tend to go with what gives me the most all around utility. If some semblance of balance ever returns to this bracket, all this could change. Right now, today, I'd rather have EA. Based on what I see in the patch notes for 4.0.6, I'd really rather have EA.

my only question is in what situation do you see EA bieng superior to smeld charge in? I'm still undecided I just figured i'd say what my number one choice is atm and see if anyone could give me a good enough reason to switch it.
Dwarves are bawss i was raving them for a while but then when warrs got the nerf bat i sold out and went nelf :(

Dwarves are and always will be my second favourite 19 tinker race
augiddin said:
my only question is in what situation do you see EA bieng superior to smeld charge in? I'm still undecided I just figured i'd say what my number one choice is atm and see if anyone could give me a good enough reason to switch it.

I'm not sure how I can explain it any better than I did.

If you've got a lot of support, and you are free to roam midfield, go with nelf.

If you're doing a lot of pugs, you should hang back, patrol to the bases, utilize los, and go with gnome.

Or maybe wait til 4.0.6 and check out Dwarf.
I wonder if it's so easy to get smeldcharge these days, especially in wsg. You have to keep in mind, that it's not a 100% charge, there can be a lot of lol-circumstances, which make you just stop walking and don't get stealth nor charge at all.

Why did no one mentioned Draenei? ofc they aren't as good as they used to be as warrior class, but at least pre-patch the heal is still ok and the +1% hit + 19 shadowresil is nice aswell. They are at least better then dwarf atm. Anyways, I wouldn't take Draenei after the (recent) PTR-patchnotes, I prolly would go gnome, because of what I wrote and the pro-EA-guy above :)

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