Alliance over-represented?

the reason why ally got more queuers is that we dont stop queuing unlike hordes im not saying any names but hordes got a lot of "good" players that afks out or stops queuing after a single alliance cap
twinkeradin said:
Then what's your point? You can't claim something belongs to you just becouse you pay 8,99. That is flawed logic.

I never claimed it belonged to us, l2read.

irkalla said:
What does means anyway?

He expressed himself pretty weird, yes, but I think he meant that Horde get 3x faster queue-times.

Hurrx said:
the reason why ally got more queuers is that we dont stop queuing unlike hordes im not saying any names but hordes got a lot of "good" players that afks out or stops queuing after a single alliance cap

I often see you write this, but I dare to say that Alliance often do the exact same thing. I've never /afked out of a battle unless something unexpected came up and I had to leave.

We could probably point fingers and count up several players from both factions, but that would lead us nowhere.
Mehcritkillu said:
He expressed himself pretty weird, yes, but I think he meant that Horde get 3x faster queue-times.

Well if that's what he meant i have toons both sides and i w8 equally 4-5-10min at each. So, i can't agree with the guy's standpoint.
Hurrx said:
yeah lol but im not referring to u and u probs know it :)

Lol, I'm so hungry for the stuff with the dough that has sauce and cheese and a variety of other edible goods on top of it.
twinkeradin said:
Why is it that Alliance is so over-represented in this battle? I just realized alliance has 3x the que horde does. What is there that attracts so many alliance players to this bracket?

Most new players join Alliance because it's the "hero" type, since horde would be the "miscreant" type by the way they look.

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