alliance or horde?


Does alliance or horde need more 49 twinks Ruin. Can I get some suggestions on classes or specs that seem to be in demand or are low on whichever side needs more people. Willing to roll just about anything.
Horde could use more physical DPS, primarily Hunters, Rogues, Warriors, etc. Alliance could use more FCs at this moment. Horde are hurting a little more for that MS than anything I think though.
Yeah I made a thread about this in Ruin battlegroup forums a little bit ago. It unfortunately got trolled into oblivion.

Anywho, yeah I would definitely say Horde needs more DPS classes that ENGAGE battles. Sometimes 1/2 of our WSG group is priests and mages. They're not bad classes, but they're definitely not good at starting battles. An ally hunter will open on them, an ally shaman will purge their PW:Shield or Mana Shield, and they'll die in a second. Then, when horde has none of these classes to do that task, namely Hunter/Rogue/Warrior, alliance will target me first thing, and then a lot of burst is lost and it goes downhill from there.

I would DEFINITELY say HUNTERS of all things are needed the most. Their range is ridiculous. They have a 41 yard range I believe, and I only have a 36 yard range. I've died so many times just to that alone. Not to mention the amazing damage output marksmanship has, especially combined with the 50% healing debuff. We have next to zero hunters anymore, and they're what we are in dire need of. Also, multiple hunters = dead targets.

2nd place on the list, I'd say would be Rogues and Warriors. Both, like hunters, have the mortal strike debuff. These classes are good at initiating combat, and good at allowing classes like mine to shine a whole lot more. Even though I can deal amazing DPS, I have no mortal strike. Without any of these three classes it gets harder for us to get past their healers. The main focus with Hunter/Rogue/Warrior is DPS, mortal strike debuffs, and the ability to initiate combat well.

3rd place, and I just kind of put this out there, would be Paladins and Warlocks. If you can get the gear for the appropriate specs, Paladin is a class you're pretty much never sad to see in a 49 battleground. Ret is amazing, they can flag carry very well with tank spec, and their healing is top of the charts imo. Warlocks deal good DPS, they are the 1v1 king of all kings @ 49, they can flag carry quite well with soul link if we happen to be short a tank, and of course fears are always appreciated.

Above all, play something that you enjoy, and play whatever class you want on either side. If you don't enjoy it, don't play it! But if you can help out, its much appreciated. Alliance usually always has a pretty good DPS makeup, and ours could definitely use some work. Hunters especially, we need hunters.
lvling a hunter on azgalor. any horde guilds?
Is odium still active, I am in the process of beginning to roll a hunter myself.
im not lookin to be funded or seriously carried as i hardly play my alliance 49 as is. but i already had a horde hunter started, and atm its 17. could be fun to try horde since atm this is my highest one ever...certainly wont hurt if they need ranged/ms people that badly.
Horde needs more twinks in general at 49.
Odium on Azgalor is the Horde side guild. Work has been keeping me hella busy so I haven't been on as much, plus Pacific time screws me over.
pacific time in indiana owch.

ill try to find abs if he's on...almost lvl 20 so not that far off already. soon ill have to start thinkin about gear and shit
Hehe, well I'm in California for my internship... I usually don't get back until after games start and usually only get 1-2 games in if I'm even on.
well got 3 lvls so far today, but now i got h icc 10 continuation...prolly keep leveling after that and such

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