Alliance or Horde?

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Do you guys find the Alliance or the Horde F2P communities more enjoyable? I currently have two Alliance twinks, and have yet to try out a Horde toon. I know that Horde PuGs are usually rather... lame, but I've also been included in several BGs where we absolutely got demolished by a Horde group.

Anyway, just wanting to know opinions
I play both and can give an objective opinion. But...

Define enjoyable.
Oh Deadvulcano, I recognize you :)

By enjoyable, I guess I mean as in which side has the most fun in BGs/playing together and in non-battleground situations such as sitting around waiting for queues, etc. I can't really give an exact definition.

Oh, and which side has the least amount of noobs/trolls...
I'm assuming that you mean the f2p communities on AP.
  • Well, horde doesn't sit in queues. The culture is different in that regard.
  • Fun is something YOU make and is not directly related to the faction.
  • The population of noobs/trolls seems to be evenly divided among the AP members.
  • Over a large quantities of bg's you will find on average more undergeared horde than undergeared alliance. Currently a "non-negotiable" fact (during my playtimes.)
  • Alliance side uses vent more. Horde side talks more in chat, although the chat seems to be evening out.
  • Both sides have very strong beneficial personalities. Horde side seems to want to measure epeens more often, while alliance side gives medals to everyone

  • Horde complains about losing in general (mostly about hunters.) Alliance side complains about queue times and 24s (the primary threat to an easy win.)

Realistically you need to see for yourself and find the best fit for you. Each community has its pros and cons, but both need each other to have battlegrounds at all.

I will not post about the overall population break down, across the entire bracket, until a future thread. Its a little more technical in nature.

Opps forgot. Welcome to TI.
My experience of community and fun is an either or situation. Either you click with people or you don't. Now, whether or not you click with horde or ally is about the people you meet. It really is that simple. Both are fairly active.
rolling a f2p toon is so fast. roll one each side and see what the people are like. the f2p 'community' drama on AP was too much for me. i miss Yasueh and his amazing add-ons, but i have been happier since i rolled new toons on other servers. everywhere, horde gets much faster bg pops, but it is much easier to gear an ally toon. in pug bgs, horde is more likely to have really undergeared toons and ally is more likely to have players who charge off solo or don't know how to drop the flag they picked up.
In a nutshell, eh?

Wow, thanks for all of the good info

I guess I should try out a Horde toon, just so I can get a feel of both sides as well. I've heard of the queue times on Horde being less, and I AM getting pretty tired of 10-15 minutes (sometimes 20+) on my Priest/Rogue.

thanks again, y'all are so helpful
I can't speak for Ally side but I have been on AP Horde for about 3 weeks and I absolutely adore the community. Whilst horde pugs are painful, AP premades are extremely fun, fast, plenty, and imo the standard is very high. Not only is everyone friendly, they're helpful too - i've been given tips to better my gameplay without a hint of douchebaginess. I don't see myself leaving any time soon! I look forward to seeing you around if you roll with us
Make a melee hunter. No more qqs on the class but still all the rage XD
Horde has their days where you log in and you get swooped up into a premade, everyone yacks like they are best buds, and you win/lose and you are still yacking about fun stuff. Then there are the days where someone is madbro, hating those hunters, and you just can't flatten the ripple in the chat. So , really it's what you make of it. I'm sure allaince have the same deal.
make a toon on alliance side please. it may help bring the queue time down a bit. 10 min average wait vs 1-2 mins horde side.
I'm assuming that you mean the f2p communities on AP.
  • Well, horde doesn't sit in queues. The culture is different in that regard.
  • Fun is something YOU make and is not directly related to the faction.
  • The population of noobs/trolls seems to be evenly divided among the AP members.
  • Over a large quantities of bg's you will find on average more undergeared horde than undergeared alliance. Currently a "non-negotiable" fact (during my playtimes.)
  • Alliance side uses vent more. Horde side talks more in chat, although the chat seems to be evening out.
  • Both sides have very strong beneficial personalities. Horde side seems to want to measure epeens more often, while alliance side gives medals to everyone

  • Horde complains about losing in general (mostly about hunters.) Alliance side complains about queue times and 24s (the primary threat to an easy win.)

Realistically you need to see for yourself and find the best fit for you. Each community has its pros and cons, but both need each other to have battlegrounds at all.

I will not post about the overall population break down, across the entire bracket, until a future thread. Its a little more technical in nature.

Opps forgot. Welcome to TI.

Horde community > Alliance Community

Horde PvP < Alliance PvP


Pretty good explanations here =)
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