(Alliance) Looking for the 80 Twink home for Alliance? <Eighty Nation> - Pagle is here!


Hello all! First official post but here's some background of the guild and what we anticipate to come :)

The original <Dedicated Few> / <Twink Nation> were former #1 US 80 twink guild on Kel'Thuzad throughout Cata and partial MOP in which majority of guild activity consisted of 3-4 25m raid nights pushing icc25H and RS25H weekly, herald of the titan runs, RBG's, you name it. At that time with 600+ members, cross-server raiding, and 90% of the guild as 80 twinks, it allowed those who were not interested in cata, to turn xp off, get the best gear possible, and continue having fun w/ wotlk content. For most, it was just a side "fun" separate from their mains or 85/endgame scene that allowed us to continue to enjoy wotlk raiding. But for a handful of us who lived and breathed this bracket - rated battlegrounds, RS/ICC25H weekly raiding, and of course...individual arena rating (yes for sub level 85s as well) is what really kept things flowing. Safe to say, it was all around fun, and the time has come again! With a few familiar faces from back in the day already spearheading the 80-84 bracket launch, its anticipating to be just as large as it was back in the day.

My goal with the current <Eighty Nation> is to provide an already expanding community for this bracket on Pagle - Alliance, along with our sister guild <OS Gaming> - Faerlina (Horde) (former #1 80 twink guilds' <Puritana> / <OS Gaming> Kel'Thuzad) - our hopes to assist players with a more structured PvE/PvP content/community just like before and even provide cross-faction events and activity all around. With both former #1 80 twink guilds providing support in the 80 bracket - we are looking forward to seeing what great things are to come!

<Eighty Nation> currently hosts scheduled guild raids, arena skirm nights, 5m dungeon spam days, gearing assistance, monthly events, 80 bracket community support, and more!

So whether you are horde or alliance, If you are looking for a server and home/guild for your upcoming 80 twink, we welcome you!

Official 80 Twink Bracket General Discord:

84 Twink Bracket Discord:
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Bump! Guild hosted our first post-cata release 80-only guild 10m raids with 9/10 group! Testing certain raid days for quick speed/burst (1-2hr) runs hopefully weekly once we review everyones schedules. Next run scheduled 7/13 ICC10H clear!

Community + Guild Discord:

Btag: Namexgaming#1711

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