Every players who still playing retail left alliance side because Horde is winnin 70% of the times.
I don't understand how some players claiming to be competitive and good, can always go to the strongest side.
I've been playing for several weeks now on the alliance side, while I've only won one game out of 5.
I appeal to all players who want to restore a balance in this bracket to play on the alliance side so that we can each take turns enjoying ourselves.
Here you can find how are my BG, 6-7 min after start, every days.
90% of PGM alliance player after 1 lose:
I don't understand how some players claiming to be competitive and good, can always go to the strongest side.
I've been playing for several weeks now on the alliance side, while I've only won one game out of 5.
I appeal to all players who want to restore a balance in this bracket to play on the alliance side so that we can each take turns enjoying ourselves.
Here you can find how are my BG, 6-7 min after start, every days.
90% of PGM alliance player after 1 lose: