alliance/horde premades?

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i've noticed alot of people QQING about pugs

but really why do you feel the NEED to make a premades?
You literally answered your own question.

but for a more in-depth answer, alot of people dont like pugging because the chances of fail are high so if they premade with people who they know are geared and expirienced, then it makes things much easier. Pugging can have its advantages but premades almost always end up being better
I've never understood the argument against premades... Most people say "well if you premade you must be terrible." Really? So if 10 terrible people are q'ing together - shouldn't you be beating them? No? Why not? Well probably because a lot of your PuG is terrible. Therefore, premading > PuGing. If you have anything against premades you're just jealous. They took away raid grouping because people were jealous of good 85s queuing together. People QQ about twink premading because they're jealous they aren't in one.
Instead of getting better or help other 768 hp players improve, its a lot easier to group up with all well geared players and let a premade carry you to a victory. Laziness? Insecurity? Fear of failure? all possibly contributions.

When you have 7 of 10 teamates in WSG <1000 HP guppies it's hard to try to guide them towards any semblance of improvement. I used to try and trust me that way lay madness. No f'n way never again. I may suggest checking out on occasion and that's it. If I feel like it I may answer questions about individual items if asked.

"Laziness" is not researching better dungeon and quest gear in an XP off bracket. Stop trolling and be constructive, or at least interesting...
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Instead of getting better or help other 768 hp players improve, its a lot easier to group up with all well geared players and let a premade carry you to a victory. Laziness? Insecurity? Fear of failure? all possibly contributions.

Um, if everyone in a premade was lazy, they wouldn't win. Well geared players don't just stand around and get awarded a win by default. I've seen a lot of 5-man groups simulqueue into WSG and communicate in chat, demonstrate teamwork, and give low hp players a chance to improve. Also 'premade' in the sense used here, as a group of people who know each other in some way doing stuff together is pretty much what humans are about. If it wasn't prevented by RealID restrictions on F2P I'm sure everyone would be doing it.
I'm going to go ahead and stop this thread now as it appears to be just another attempt by a now banned member to start an argument thread.
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