@ All the US ppl's that know me.


Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm currently rerolling a rogue on Elune and it will be a pleasure to fight agaisnt you USA guys ;) Cya on Vent!
Crilicilyn said:
ryrith.... that sounds really familiar

I'm pretty sure he used to play RvR with me back on Bronzebeard... same name.
Agilitize said:
Sorry don't know you, and why the hell is everyone rerolling Elune these days? o.o

I hear its easy to get AGM on that server. That is probably why everyone rolls there.
Realek said:
youre lying

I was actually being sarcastic. As far as lying I just said it was easy to get the AGM I didn't say that it was easy for everyone. I for one don't have any major issues getting the trinket. You having a toon on Elune I assumed you were probably aware of the AGM drama that goes on there. My druid that I haven't played in 6-9 months has probably 4-5 trinkets and if I wanted the AGM I could have it in 24-48 hours.

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