EU+US All relevant info to 20s for the Special Evennt :Alterac Valley

I'll thank you now and blame you later when they fk it up.
f2p av.jpg


Wow! great job! Who's that guy! I need to give him a giant hug now that i can queue !

We were harassing our EU GMs in live chat to get it pinned for the team who can fix it :D
I don't care that my f2p is useless as long as i can farm the rep, the achievs and the titles ! :D

I'm not gonna work today ^^'

My entire weekend plans just became a lot clearer.
Looks like vets can get in now without BFA.

It was worth the wait....

idk how to add pictures anymore correctly rip


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The mount is dropped in your bags, and can't be used by under-40. Anyone have a solution for this?
Well, I'd say wait and see
With next expac coming, we might become able to learn it ^^

Mmm, yeah, I'm a bit deflated rn having ground out the badges and not being able to learn the mount. Someone else said something about submitting a ticket, anyone have any insights on that?
Well, you can try ^^, but good luck with finding the good GM + the good excuse so that he adds it to your collection even if you don't have the required level nor the good riding skills :/
We tried previously with another mount requiring hl skills + level, but GMs were just saying "nah, we can't do that, you don't match the requirements to learn that mount"
The mount is dropped in your bags, and can't be used by under-40. Anyone have a solution for this?
I have a vet acc but no Gametime at the moment. I made an allied race char that Im grinding out the 200 badges on. Once I get Gametime again I level that char to at least 40.
I have a vet acc but no Gametime at the moment. I made an allied race char that Im grinding out the 200 badges on. Once I get Gametime again I level that char to at least 40.
A good thought, but for me, I earned it on my linked-F2P. I'm starting to think that my best bet is to try to get a GM to simply move it to the inventory of my main character on my paid account, and then learn it when I next use some game time.
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