All Apologies

What he means is that it seems you lack the basic knowledge of retail WoW to know that there are many prerequisite quests before you can pick up quests such as these. That, or you just have a low IQ in general.

To answer your question about the 'All Apologies' quest, you must (and I quote from Wowhead):

"...first complete all of the Mor'shan Front quests which lead you to the Warsong Lumber Camp quests which you must also complete, which take you to Splintertree Post."

As for 'Protocol' you must do all the quests starting from:

Welcome to the Machine - Quest - World of Warcraft

Once you've completed the quests in that small area it will take you to the mines, where you have to complete the quests there, then finally to the Sludge Fields where you must complete all the quests there. Make sure you loot the huge patrolling undead when you kill him, as he drops an item that starts one of the quests in that area.

You are welcome.
So Furion is the ideal private server player now?

what a shame
Title is kind of misleading i clicked on it expecting to see an apology from you to everyone on TI for being a moran
I only clicked thread also because I thought he was apologizing. But whilst insulting a moron, you might want to spell moron correctly or he might not take you seriously. Oh wait, he wouldn't know, because he is a moron....
I only clicked thread also because I thought he was apologizing. But whilst insulting a moron, you might want to spell moron correctly or he might not take you seriously. Oh wait, he wouldn't know, because he is a moron....

I purposely spelt it that way.
i never apologize to garbage twinks for starters, 2nd fuck you kahr u suck up, 3rd i just want to let you all know i'm still the best 19 druid no matter what no need to troll me cuz u cant handle me :s
If you are saying that every monkey could play a resto druid, that's correct.

19s in general aint hard anymore bro a monkey could beat almost everyone in the bracket on any class... mop is no skill get over it had a nice chat with overkill about this on skype today... ever since cata the skill for 19s has deteriorated(especially in mop)

EDIT: that's no way to talk to black people

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