All 29s looking to get games

lol kinda funny, I haven't played in the 29s for a long long time, but now it seems like reckoning is the place to be - and my main is on dragonmaw :\ but im looking at transferring him to ruin, QQ
I would say on dragonmaw the chances of being able to get AGM are about 50/50 now. With WaR coming to dragonmaw there seems to be more people going for the trinket than there were a couple months back. Even with people going for the achievement there was always certain times where a twink could just run in and grab it uncontested.

I finally got it on my 19 hunter after getting 9 in the first month and then having to wait on the last 3 for a long time.

Now with trying to build a 29 I'm not finding a whole lot of groups durring my play times for the instances that I would need to finish my gear.
yea dragonmaw is cool. i have a lock there and starting to play the AH..Spooks got any 29 gear you wunna sell??
Cptheal said:
yea dragonmaw is cool. i have a lock there and starting to play the AH..Spooks got any 29 gear you wunna sell??

Just curious are there a decent amount of 29 twink items on the horde AH or are they just as scarce as they are on alliance?
theres a decent amount but <WaR> has been grabbing up all the cheap stuff...yea ive been checking alliance side theres NOTHING lol
I think I've picked up a majority of the items alliance side as soon as I see them. Its just finding those items when they get put up and having the gold available to purchase them. Seems like a majority of people feel some of the less than adequate items are worth more than the 10-15G they are actually worth(in my opinion). That just because its a level 29 equipable item that its worth 100+G.
I had TONS of shit there, but I transferred all of it over to medivh when I went there...such a dumb fucking move -.- Ive been keeping my eyes out for new stuff, snagged a perfect 11 arcane damage cloak yesterday (lawl boomkin burst?) Think I am going to update my 29 pally, and get her ready to play in the 29's again...I want an agm, but I'd feel like such a twat killing all the WaR people for it :3
lol well fair is fair if you get it oh well...ive killed a few <WaR> people myself rofl

got any rogue gear??
Depends what you're looking for :p Is your toon in WaR? I don't have any uber rare items, actually i don't have much at all - but I have an 80 and lots of gold xD
Can anyone tell me what times (please give timezone) are most active for Reckoning, and what is the BG like at other times?

I'd be keen to transfer, just not sure if my timezone makes it pointless - I am in Australia, GMT+10, wanting to play evenings or weekends.

I haven't got a game on Bloodlust since the patch.
Twincture said:
Can anyone tell me what times (please give timezone) are most active for Reckoning, and what is the BG like at other times?

I'd be keen to transfer, just not sure if my timezone makes it pointless - I am in Australia, GMT+10, wanting to play evenings or weekends.

I haven't got a game on Bloodlust since the patch.

Most games are from about 6pm est - 1am est, although with the new recent xfers we've had some games at off times like 12 or 2 in the afternoon the last few days.

The off time games dont happen as frequently as the primetime games, but if you convinced some of your aussie friends to come with you, it wouldnt suprise me if we got pops literally all day long.

Give it a go, reck recruiters already beat that bg to death
haha....reck recruiters...

Australia people get into the really late games..least our FC does -.- if you recruited your other friends we can get BGs going earlier/later :)
I transfered 2 chars over last weekend, I'm in the GMT+10 time zone also for me games started poping around 7am and the latest so far has been 6pm and on the 4 days out of 5 that I have been able to play it was almost non stop games inbetween. So I have prob played around 50+ games so far in less than a week well worth transfering for anyone in any timezone, with more Aussies games will hopefully pop more and more after 6pm.
I've mostly been looking for the enchants for a reasonable price. I do have enchanting on one of my characters just have been too lazy to actually farm the recipe's to be able to enchant my gear.
Thanks for the responses, that's pretty encouraging. I think I'll transfer, it can't be worse than my shaman rotting where she is now.

I've only just got into twinking, so sadly I don't have friends to bring with me yet, although I'm trying to convince a couple to make twinks for me to heal and I may have some success.
who wants a perfected rogue =D


I have like a billion offsets so reply here or in private messages for me to xfer over to you. would be great xD, very skilled, very well known. Im looking to make a Hpal too. Anyone want me tho?
Im looking to xfer my main and my two twinks. Possibly 3. I really like what im reading here about the ques and the comp. Been in the que on my almost finished 29 hunter for 4 days and NOTHING.

So yea, id like to come over, but which server? I would like to be able to raid a tiny bit on my main, but mostly doing some twink BGs with ya'll.

EDIT: I wanted to also add that obviously i will run whoever through whatever with my main. And am willing to help in any way any guild thats trying to get on its feet(or an established one). I just want off of my group cause it is DEAD

nobody said:
who wants a perfected rogue =D


I have like a billion offsets so reply here or in private messages for me to xfer over to you. would be great xD, very skilled, very well known. Im looking to make a Hpal too. Anyone want me tho?

Ya, sorry, thats not a perfect rogue. Not bad, but not perf.

As for where to xfer to. Skywall is the best horde server and windrunner is the best alliance.
TLA4lyf said:
As for where to xfer to. Skywall is the best horde server and windrunner is the best alliance.

Thanks. I just cant believe how dead it is on some of the servers i have twinks on. Mostly in WW and a couple on Rampage. Its just rediculous.

Thanks again!

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