Al'akir or Draenor?

Hello everyone my name is Gretan, some of you might know who I am and some might not. I've been taking a break from my 19 mage for about 6 months now and I've decided to return to the 19 bracket. :D But i've got a question. Which server should I transfer to?

As I've come to understand the two servers with most 19 twinks currently are Al'akir and Draenor. It seems to me that Al'akir has the biggest alliance population and Draenor is more for horde. My mage is currently alliance so the obvious choice would be Al'akir but I might want to faction change later on so that's what keeping me from choosing, so yeah please give me some feedback on what I should do. Thanks :)

P.S Armory link The World of Warcraft Armory - Gretan @ Stormreaver - Profile
Al'akir alliance is pretty good for twinking, only downside is that there are close to no level 80 alliance, probably won't matter if you're twinking anyways, and there are pretty good twinking guilds.

If you're coming on al'akir i could help you out a bit if you need anything.

No idea about draenor.

ps: kitty, there has to be a free alliance transfer to al akir, current ratio is somewhere around alliance 1 : 15 horde
the alliance population on Draenor is plenty big enough to suit anyone. Both are decent choices. Though from my completely unbiased veiw point i would recommend Draenor.
Ok so after researching some more i've come to make my decision, which is going to be Draenor. Seeing that Draenor got a decent alliance population aswell as the biggest horde population if I would like to faction change in the future!

Thanks for all the replies guys it helped alot :)
Gretan said:
I will probably stay ally for as long as it's needed seeing that all of the CC mages are horde. :)



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