Akrios of roguerogue.com is twinking!!

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Hey everyone I saw this post on Roguerogue.com the other day. Akrios the famous rogue of Roguerogue.com and many of WCM that we all love actually has a twink and is playing him now. Here is the link he is playing on Laughing skull server horde side name Akriios.

ICC Rogue Guide Part 2 Lady Deathwhisper | Rogue-Rogue

Read the start of the thread. So glad you are back bro. Cant wait for a new movie.
2nd best rogue of tbc is who that is

you should think level 70 enthusiasts would know about this..
Turtlezyo said:
2nd best rogue of tbc is who that is

you should think level 70 enthusiasts would know about this..

Well, it's like twinking at level 60 and not knowing who Vurtne or Drakedog is.. it's very simple; people that play 60s or 70s now didn't necessarily play it in Vanilla / BC :) - Hence they don't know the guy / guys.
never head of him and i played during bc

drakedog is olllld as fuck, and i only knew about him from the world of roguecraft vids, so he didnt have *that* much exposure. sometimes people play with guys on their own BGs and stuff and assume they're famous as fuck
Falkor said:
never head of him and i played during bc

drakedog is olllld as fuck, and i only knew about him from the world of roguecraft vids, so he didnt have *that* much exposure. sometimes people play with guys on their own BGs and stuff and assume they're famous as fuck

Not sure where you're going with drakedog now having that much exposure, and I don't know how it is in the states, but in Europe you knew drakedog if you played vanilla that's for sure...
Falkor said:
drakedog is olllld as fuck, and i only knew about him from the world of roguecraft vids, so he didnt have *that* much exposure.

Oh yeah because you barely heard of him that means he didnt have much exposure, everything might not reach you under that rock but anyone who was even semi-decent in vanilla knew very well about Drakedog, and Vurtne for that matter. Doubt its a question of EU/US since he's like korean himself...
lindenkron said:
Not sure where you're going with drakedog now having that much exposure, and I don't know how it is in the states, but in Europe you knew drakedog if you played vanilla that's for sure...

drakedog just wasnt that big, at least on the us servers i played on. never brought up in chat or bgs or anything...like i said, first time i was exposed was when world of roguecraft launched
Its not the real Akrios as the post is made by a different name and anyone who knows of Akrios knows that his post show up as "Akrios" not Akrios twinks w/e.

Anyway kid is a fake.
Lol that post is made buy Seperation wich is another Author of Roguerogue.com....Why would a friend of Akrios another Author of Roguerogue.com lie about that
I didn't know who it was until bit more then a year ago, and I've played since release. I just didn't watch WarcraftMovies a lot. just when someone linked a movie to me. I had better things to do ingame then sit around watching others playing :) tho Swifty I've known about since Vanilla, Grim, Vurtne etc.

so I can understand why some people don't know who they are.
I like the part where Deepz convinced you all that Akiros was going to twink, and then created an account called Akiros so he can have some free Efame when he logs on next time on his new relm. Lol bro. Shitty sad attempt :p The akiros acct was made by deepz( Sanitarium #1 IP tracer world).

Deepz, if you want to be famous all you need to do is make a couple of movies in which you do some crazy things and BAM ur efamous. Oh btw, you can also steal the ID of someone currently famous. I love it when fanboys do that :/
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