AGM trinket, how hard is it really?

i have done 3 on mannoroth, mostly with no help. i always log early, chest has dropped 2 minutes early at times. i also go to WHO and type: stranglethorn vale. this lets me know at least who of the same faction is in the area and who to look for. also you know by whispering them, what 80's are going for trinket or chest, and can maybe ask or cut deals. 12PM, 3AM, 6AM, 9AM generally are alot of no shows. if you aren't concerned with achievements on other players, when blizz does events like the bountiful harvest, my friend got his paladin done in 2 days. i was going to do it then, but didn't want to hinder a friend and guildie. much of this involves taking your player there and leaving them there till done, whether it takes 2 days or 3 weeks

have AGM

-38 warrior...was a 29 twink

-19 rogue

-13 rogue


-19 hunter

no longer need

-29 rogue

-39 druid

on my alliance side, all need AGM

-19 rogue

-19 hunter

-11 shammy

-11 druid

i still play my twinks even if they don't have it, it's the same thing with fishing hats. sorta glad they killed 29/39/etc twinking on rush there and my once 29 paladin is at 48 where the AGM is a non-issue IMO
Got 2 on my bankalt just because I love doing it. Easy on Bronzebeard, just let the 80s distract eachother. ;)
Wish it was that easy on my server. 80's rock up and have full scale PVP war. As a 19 twink without 20 - 80's to help you, you have no chance :(
06.00 and 09.00 on working days are overall best times. This is my experience on different realms after getting 12 agm's (EU, Cyclone and Blackout BG) over a period of 5 years. I estimate 70% was solo-ed (using no high lvl). The hardest realm now (EU) to solo could be Dreanor but I have not tried personally as my twinks there are finished. I find Al'Akir possible at given times. I have no experience in Agrammar (if I recall the name correctly).

*not usefull info but still.. My favorite way of getting trinkets is soloing against other twinks, I prefer it to just looting when there's nochar there. Most high lvl's will let you play for it and find the idea amusing (do explain yourself).

Allso the note I read a lot, be friendly and don't rage. But does that not really count for most things? (yes of course people are more willing to help a friendly well manered person than an abusive ill tempered child)
Aggramar was hell when achievemnts came out, every 70-80 under the sun was there. Even now you get the 2-3 80s who show, and even a 5man arena team to come. Only thing we devised is an AGM rota, pick a twink and have our mains help. Doesnt work all the time, since there are times when theres 2 5man arena teams and they just wait for the twink xD. But yeah, average of about 2-3 80s not every time; but not a suprise if they do show. We have about 4 mains parked in STV and 3 who can come when they aint raiding.

If everyone pitches in, can get an agm in 4-5 days easily (non-holidays).

But yeah, reading your posts; your realm seems PACKED, so either get raiding buddies to help you or xfer to a low pop. realm.

Best of Luck

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