AGM trinket, how hard is it really?

so, ive heard alot about how the agm trinket is hard to get on alot of servers, But mine is extremely easy to get, just got my 4th trinket in a row, and only needed help getting one of those as lvl 11, whats it like on your server?
its not too hard on my home server and on another server i roll on, but ive heard its V hard on blackout battlegroup. Its not too easy on my home server, but ive gotten about 20+ trinkets on it without too much difficulty.
taberon said:
so, ive heard alot about how the agm trinket is hard to get on alot of servers, But mine is extremely easy to get, just got my 4th trinket in a row, and only needed help getting one of those as lvl 11, whats it like on your server?

depends totally on the server tbh, on my old server Dethecus horde usually camped it, but I got my freinds 2's team to come poon them so I got my 2 agm's in about a week
I've found that most 80s that show up are there for PvP and if you ask nicely they will help you. The twinks that get camped are the ones that yell ZOMG UR BAD 80 GTFO MY TRINKET ACHIEVEMENT HOR GET BETTR ARENA RATING N00B! I got 10 in a row after I realized that asking nicely might get me some sympathy :p
Rivfader said:
I've found that most 80s that show up are there for PvP and if you ask nicely they will help you. The twinks that get camped are the ones that yell ZOMG UR BAD 80 GTFO MY TRINKET ACHIEVEMENT HOR GET BETTR ARENA RATING N00B! I got 10 in a row after I realized that asking nicely might get me some sympathy :p

Well all the 80s I met there were always going for the achievement.
Imo the secret to getting AGM's is never to concede that someone else will get it when you show up.

1. Be there 10 minutes early, the trinket often drops at :58 and you can get a lot of them just by people being there at :00 and to late.

2. If there is an 80 there, wisper them about what you are doing very politely and ask for their help. If they will not give it up, ask them to leave you the rest of the stuff in the chest so you can buy bags, they will likely give it to you or even give you the trinket after all.

3. Even if they are opposite faction, have an alt rolled to wipser them and ask.

4. If they are not cool, jump them, even at level 19, often this delays the process and someone else will shot up and change the dynamic giving you another shot at it.

5. Threaten them...several of my AGM's were gotten because I wispered something to an 80 such as "Well, if you have decided not to give it up peacefully, I shall be forced to own you like a little schoolgirl" This will often make the 80 laugh and like you enough to give it up.

Getting the AGM is what has prevented me from making any more twinks after my first two. Getting the AGM is so not fun.
Just hold on! when you want it you dont get it (same with fishing hat, all 80s who dont need/want it get it but twinks that both need and want it just dont get it). When you chill out its fine to lose a couple of chests.
best way to get the AGM is to be on a low pop server, since the 3.2 change to XP and the ruin battlegroup getting all twinks, now all low pop servers have become easy going for AGM.

my friend has 4-5 of them and has been getting miniimum 1 per day.

its easy because we have now almost next to no twinks on our server.

so best way would be to be on a low pop server and then transfer to a twink battlegroup.
Kore nametooshort said:
have as much hit rating as possible equiped otherwise it can take as long as 4 GCDs or more to interupt a chest.

Damn you Kore! Damn you and your hit rating BULLSHIT!!!

jk i love you.
dw you can insult me as much as you like tonight, im trolling this eve ;)

And hit rating is teh shizzle ^^

Fakeedit: dammit that was legit advice!
Kore nametooshort said:
dw you can insult me as much as you like tonight, im trolling this eve ;)

And hit rating is teh shizzle ^^

Fakeedit: dammit that was legit advice!

I know it was legit. But i just see you post a lot of "get your hit rating!", and it always cracks me up. Not that i think you're wrong.. I agree with you almost everytime.
a looooot of lvl 37-48ish's would come, we had 2-8 80's though so it was pretty easy lol. not soloable most times on draka.
On Alleria I got an Arena Grand Master every 6-7 days. Three AGM's total (One for my hunter, two for my warrior). Then again, those three weeks are wasted now since I'm in Rampage. lol

Kill the levelers, bribe the 80s at the chest, or hire an OP 80 Class and pwn anyone there if neither of those work.
It depends on your server, Some are dead Achieve Whore-wise.

It can also depend on the time you try for it, ( Those Achievey Sluts must sleep at some point).

Ive found that my home server Frostmourne in Bloodlust BG, is almost impossible at most times of the day, sure you can get the trink at 3am some days, I guess if you are striving for your twink to be perfect, the time you wake up wont matter, but yeah. I have brought a team of 10 pvp geared lvl 80's before, to basically clear the arena and give me the trink, unfortunatley 15 or so alliance were there, they fought and proceeded to do so until the chest despwaned, epic fail.
Restoshaman said:
unfortunatley 15 or so alliance were there, they fought and proceeded to do so until the chest despwaned, epic fail.

i know exactly how that is, had 3 geared to the neck raiders with me the second time i did it, about 8 horde were there, constant aoe around the chest so whenever i resurected, bang i would die, went on for 20 minutes before it despawned =(
This latest AGM has been my worst by far. It's all how many friends you have and I have yet, for this AGM, to face just 1 80 there. Then when I get 1-2 people to come, they bring 4-5. :mad:

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