AGM, how long did it take you to get one?


Just wondering out of curiosity. Been sitting there for about one week now, and I only have two so far. I have an 85 with me on another account too, but can't do much with him vs other 85s, as I'm useless at pvp with hunters, so he is basically there as a taxi, and to protect vs other twinks of varying lvls. I try to get to the midnight, and 3 am pops, as those two are low on population, and works pretty well with my working hours, but still I've only managed to get the two out of fourteen possibles.

Won't change much, I'm still stuck 'til I'm done, but was curious how much time it took you guys.
It depends so heavily on server pop and the twink pop on that server that what other people say might not be accurate.

but i think it took me about a week or 2 per AGM
I'm on Moon Guard with two. First one was done LONG ago pre-WoTLK launch, and I just walked in on all of them while passing by. It took me about a week, but I never lost one. Actually beat a horrid 57 undead death knight one of the times, and repeatedly a 19 twink who has reported me at least ten times by now. Second one I had mostly walk-ups again, but for my last one I dealt with the same 12 times in a row. After that, I grabbed the last one.
I got mine a cupple of days ago, took me about 2 weeks. All i did was whispering random ppl in the zone and ppl often helped out.
I got my 2 on maybe 3 weeks I think.

tricks I used:

1. ask if ppl could help me for 50g

2. Get friends to help me

3. Wake up 5:50 in the morning to take it when no one is there

And the most used trick is: Wait as a ghost by the chest untill the 80s (85s now) battle far away so they couldn't stop me, one of them should have their back turned so he can't see you.

The most hilarious thing was when the 3 80s where dueling while waiting for it to spawn, so ran to the other side of the arena and they didn't notice that I walked down to the middle whe it spawn, the hunter killed my a half second after I looted it XD

Guess if he raged at me.

Want it fast? be sneaky.....sneaky...........
Pinkah said:
I'm on Moon Guard with two. First one was done LONG ago pre-WoTLK launch, and I just walked in on all of them while passing by. It took me about a week, but I never lost one. Actually beat a horrid 57 undead death knight one of the times, and repeatedly a 19 twink who has reported me at least ten times by now. Second one I had mostly walk-ups again, but for my last one I dealt with the same 12 times in a row. After that, I grabbed the last one.

57? u dont get out of dk place till 58 :)
My record is 2 days. On Squeaky's realm it took me a week, with no help. Going at about 2 chests a day, hell once I even logged 17minutes after and it was still there.
Took me weeks of never trying and just grabbing them when I was doing the Arena daily, post-WotLK. I suggest you try at 6am, there is rarely any competition then on most servers. On my server, I have arrived at about 06.30 and it has still been there numerous times ;)
I actually meant Paladin. Sorry, when I typed that I was having a heated nerd rage conversation about how Death Knights are horrible.
1 week for 1 AGM on Ravencrest EU "Best PVP server on most populated EU" well i got mates comming for helping me every time and i were on 8 of the times a chest came a day.
Still don't have it yet - 5 more trinkets needed, I'm in no rush though, happy to work on achievements and sorting out other gear. Plus this toon is the main banker for my two WoW accounts.
I got my 2 AGM in 1 week on my server ..very populated..pple where there every time was not just given to me and i did not stay up all night..

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