EU <<Afterlife>> Level 60 Twink Community Guild - Argent Dawn (A)


<<Afterlife>> Level 60 Twink Guild Community – Argent Dawn – Alliance

What do we do?
<<Afterlife>> is a more PvE focussed guild and has been open since 2013 with a year out during MoP/WoD. We raid every Sunday with random events mixed in mid-week.

Our PvE events include raiding as well as open exploring.
Stratholme speed runs.
Heroic TBC Dungeons.
AQ10, AQ40, MC & BWL.
And many more. . .

We also explore Azeroth and attempt to kill some of the dangerous characters that are about, such as Pit Lord and Dr. Weevil.

Our PvP events will include Wargame Arenas, Wargame Battlegrounds, World Arenas such as Gurubashi free-for-all, and some World PvP.
(We are in need of a PvP Officer to currently fulfill this role)

We also do some random events such as Hide & Seek, Quiz Night, Transmog Competitions which have proven to be one of the most enjoyed events out of all!

Please note that events will not have a set date, but will generally be around 8PM Server time.
General rules
Max level in-guild is 60, anyone higher will be removed.
TBC and Heirlooms are not allowed during calendar events (unless told otherwise).
There are no profession limitations – If you can make it, you can use it.

What is required to join?
Just make sure you can abide to the rules and everything should be fine, other than that, sign up!

What classes are you recruiting?
There is no specific class we are recruiting


Can I use glyphs, talents, enchants that are not vanilla?
Yes, this is a level 60 community guild, not a strict vanilla guild.

Can I get boosted for my gear / Do I have to raid or can I just chill in guild?
You have the choice to either raid with the guild or get boosted, it is your choice.

Can I join cross-realm?
Yes - My real ID is below and I broadcast before most events start.

Are there any classes or races off-limit?

Is the content hard?
You're on the wrong game.

Contact:- SilentSword#22310

What days are your events?
Our main raid day is Sunday where we will either try for AQ40 or MC & Blackwing Lair!
However not all events are on the calender and some AQ40 runs do happen with only a day or two notice - Keep an eye on the calender as much as possible!

(We are also recruiting potential Officers to make more events happen more often!)
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I have an good idea for you hounored :) lets try gather ourselves a pure 7-8 man group and lets compete in bwl/aq 40 undyiing/speedruns ? perhaps this c ould be something fun.

We have done ful Bwl as 7 man with drums, pots, full buffs ofc. Required some wipes and luck to maange to get vaelstrasz down tho. But its fully doable if we add another person to it. 8 man is probably the best setup and it will still give troubles in there.

About twins we havent killed it as 8 man yet, did get a 100 to clap it and did our way to ouro tho + ctun as 8 man. That was hell alot of fun. Also princess huhuran can give some troubles with 8 man at 30% when she enrages. Really badass healer needed
just want to add that molten core is more like a 5 man heroic dungeon. It dosnt bring any challenge at all. I think you can 3-4 man it also with just clapping your way tru it but its also some fun. Golemag for example also has some sick dmg due to the rend stacks from doggies.

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