After holiday summary :P


Hey guys, just been in the land of no internet for the last two weeks, so apart from a rare moment in an apple store, I have no idea whats happened in the las two weeks :p. So basically, the first person to write me a summary of all the main points that have happened to f2p twinking in the last two weeks will get hugs, likes and cookies. The challenge begins :p
MrCers A-Team stuff
you come in
1. Çer's A Team Drama - "You kids are a buncha GY farmers" - Time conflicts
2. MoP Buffs / Nerfs
Viability: All Healers, Boomkin, Rogues, Marks Hunters, with a few other classes trailing.
3. MoP Prepatch next week.
4. A bunch of troll posts, including one by me: What the Mists Hold for F2Ps
5. An increase in f2p druids trying to roll before they are the FOTM, but will most likely switch back to hunters in a few more weeks.
6. GW2 in 3 days.
7. Nothing major has occurred.
8. Welcome back
You guys make me laugh, so ima give you all a cookie :) Now share this out between yourselves k?
Those are what you're going to be using pre-BoA. Snickerdoodles are BiS.

I just made snickerdoodles last night! Never had them before (weird I know, but I grew up in a house of chocolate). My cookbook says they originated in the 1800s in New England.

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