I know this isn't really threat worthy to most people. But, those that know me, know what I have gone through over the years. It finally happened. I got my stamina shoulders out of a satchel. After dual boxing with a level 37 so I could get Mara almost everytime, I finally got them. It took me 1181 runs on both of my prot pallies combined. So it's confirmed for those that were curious. If you group with a level 37, you can get the mail shoulders out of the satchel if Mara pops. Note. . .the mail shoulders do NOT drop out of Ulda, SM Cath, or DM (if you're on a pally).
5169 unbuffed FTW!
P.S. mail "...of the Seer" dropped out of Mara prior to the "Stamina" shoulders.
P.S.S. I may be getting rid of the Scarab Lord soon. Kids are Expensive!
5169 unbuffed FTW!
P.S. mail "...of the Seer" dropped out of Mara prior to the "Stamina" shoulders.
P.S.S. I may be getting rid of the Scarab Lord soon. Kids are Expensive!