Funny cause i purposefully left names out not because I dont like to start drama. But since you said "delete their druid" and I am the druid I have to defend myself by saying you killed me 4 times out of 19 games (two of those games I went down as the same time as Oil). Every single time was because of a hard switch with HoJ after id trinketed the first one. Which is a good job by you guys, good strat it was working. But once I realized thats what you were doing I played max range more which killed your strat. If you remember the last game on Blades Edge Arena I had 17 seconds left on my trinket cooldown. And you guys were pillaring on the opposite side of the bridge. You mounted up and came running across the bridge to try to get to me. Which if I didnt already know your plan I would have figured it out then because thats the very definition of showing your hand. Anyways, by the time you got across the bridge you were on like 20%. Tgod blinked in and sheeped your shaman healer who decided to stay back for some unknown reason and you were killed by Rekdew. I wont mention the game that you died without bubbling. I wont mention all the mage games you tried that were laughable. I will however say yes, I was playing double arcane mage resto. Basically because it was the only 2 dps that were online that I knew at the time. I do have to say Never. I mean Never. Say you deleted me, because the only time you guys every won a game it took longer than any game that we won when we did actually delete either you or Oil because you guys waited until i blew trinket (usually already a minute into the arena) then you normally waited until there was about 15 seconds left until I got it back so almost another 2 minutes. Which means It took you 3 minutes to "delete me" Although we killed you before you bubbled within 30 seconds of the gates opening. Silly me I said I wasnt going to mention that my bad. And we killed Oil multiple times on his first charge of the game which as a warrior I would say is pretty early in the game? The only person we didnt delete was Jwl because he was playing pillars 90% of the time intelligently. So way to out yourself and Oil. Cant wait to see you next time in the arena, thanks for the easy rating gain, watch your back Tgod already over took you and now that I'm starting to play more I'll be over taking you shortly.