Aelryn the <havoc> twink charity guild bank thief QQ

i love you
Good thing you saved the Night Reavers

Bigbullox said:
warning : This post is a QQ, cry-me-a-river post about an arsehole who cleared out the twink guild bank of <Havoc>, a EU charity twink guild that gave FULLY FUNDED rerolls to more than 100 twinks before blizzard killed twinking in our battlegroup, wsg dried up, and our members started transferring to blackout, where all the EU action is.

The twinks name WAS Nothdal, a 19 shammy with fishing hat and boas. We helped boost him for his fishing hat lol. He also transferred an 80 DK Gulthon over to help boost people etc. Aelryn, his lvl 19 druid is still on The Maelstrom EU horde.

Nothdal was a great player, knowledgable and very helpful with others, boosting and helping people level professions. He always had time for newbies and was duely made officer and everything was OK for several months before he announced that he wouldn't be playing as much wow and thanked us all etc etc.

At the time we were genuinely sad to see him go.

2 weeks ago he cleared out the 3rd bank tab, taking all the pricey twink BOE and rare items. We were too trusting, officers had no withdrawal limits. Aelryn / Nothdal / Gulthon then transferred and name changed his characters off the server.

Stolen Items :

couple of TBJ's

3 or 4 perfect wranglers

formal dangui (Bigbul's favourite D.I.S.C.O Ball dancing gear qq)

a few TCS

a few blessed seers

Misc Twink chants (+sp, +22 int etc)

And about 20 other blue BOE items, darkweave breeches, gloves, boots and some random greens - throat piercers, banshee rods, etc etc. Luckily most of the AQ/MC chants, assassins blades, night reavers etc were in the GM's personal bank.

These items were in storage to be transferred to blackout and used to build some new twinks / help out wherever we ended up in blackout. These items would have been GIVEN AWAY to the right people. Anyone involved in <Havoc> when we were active who received full item and chant sets can confirm this. We gave away C.50k gold worth of twink items and chants and boosts etc to try and get people back into twinking and build a healthy base of EU players to try and keep EU twinking alive.

Still reading this wall of text? Wow! I would have given up on reading this QQ-you-should-have-locked-down-guild-bank rant after the 2nd paragraph. The thief's 80 DK Gulthon transferred back to The Maelstrom EU a couple of days ago, so I logged a lvl 1 alt and had a wee chat with his druid twink - Aelryn / The Maelstrom / EU :


What a cheeky little ****er!

Despite my annoyance at being ripped off I actually find his responses quite funny in a smart-arse little-kid-who-needs-a-slap kinda way.

The whereabouts, race and name of his 19 shammy is currently unknown, but before he left I imported the achievement dates and times of all <Havoc> members and his other chars.

You can change your name, faction and server as much as you like, but you can't change your class or achievement history. We'll find out where his 19 shammy is sooner or later and make sure that his reputation catches up with him.

A personal message for Aelryn / Nothdal / Gulthon, a regular twinkinfo lurker :

You stole items from a charity guild whose mission was to help as many people to twink as possible. That makes you an ARSEHOLE.

You paid for 4+ character transfers / Name Changes / Faction changes to steal C.3k worth of twink items!??. That makes you a STUPID ARSEHOLE, a RICH ARSEHOLE, or a STUPID RICH ARSEHOLE.

Despite what you think, reputation within the twink community DOES count for something. We fight alongside and against the same people day in, day out.

Enjoy your new found reputation as the EU Twink ARSEHOLE KING :)



These AREN'T the battlegroup forums. The people on Twink Info view their brackets for USEFUL information. Nobody cares what happens on a dead European battlegroup, and if they cared about this they wouldn't be here they would be sitting on trade or reading the damn bg forums.
You gave him access. Why have the ability to take anything out if you aren't allowed to?

Sucks that it happened, but it's your own fault.
Orcgasm said:
You gave him access. Why have the ability to take anything out if you aren't allowed to?

Sucks that it happened, but it's your own fault.

yep should've just let everyone in the guild wait for gm to come on just to give them an item from gbank rite? though he shouldn't have been allowed unlimited stacks
encorebroz said:
yep should've just let everyone in the guild wait for gm to come on just to give them an item from gbank rite? though he shouldn't have been allowed unlimited stacks

Stop putting words into my mouth.
Novascotia said:
These AREN'T the battlegroup forums. The people on Twink Info view their brackets for USEFUL information. Nobody cares what happens on a dead European battlegroup, and if they cared about this they wouldn't be here they would be sitting on trade or reading the damn bg forums.

This is an EUQQ thread. Don't care? then don't post and quote walls of text.

There is some useful twink info in this post.

As for what these forums are for, the posters decide that. These aren't the battlegroup forums, yet the top sticky thread is : @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.) and many other posts are US or battlegroup or even server specific.

e.g. The Egosvaultx of the Horde thread is very popular, hats off to ego and I wish him all the best but I read a little bit and the post isn't relevant to me so ... until he gets to 100k and I post a short message of congratulations...


I suggest you do the same.
Hamcake said:
But they are so tasty and delicious, you know you like it.

All right you got me, at least they are better than crayons.
Novascotia said:
Apparently you don't know what a bg forum thread is.

You haven't read the bg forum guidelines on harrassment and don't know how the EU bg forums are policed sometimes.

I'll ignore your threads if you ignore mine. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along, move along.
Bigbullox said:
You haven't read the bg forum guidelines on harrassment and don't know how the EU bg forums are policed sometimes.

I'll ignore your threads if you ignore mine. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along, move along.

I believe you're talking about my posts, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but the main point I'm trying to get on here is that you shouldn't post complaints on what is supposed to be an 'info' forum...go post it in the tavern if you're gonna post it anywhere.

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