Hey this is the first time I’ve posted on twink info but I really appreciate what you guys have done to get things sorted and up and running as I loved twinking on this bracket so happy to be able to continue it.
But it has dawned on me recently that if I hadn’t accidently stumbled across the site when I was drunk one night hoping twinks were up and running again (thank god I did), I would not have heard of this community and re made my twinks and got 5 of my friends up and running again aswell.
It made me think well if wasn’t drunk once I wouldn’t be twinking now. And I remember back in the day when I was twinking there was a huge amount of twinks on the horde and alliance that just aren’t there now. And I think this could be because of 2 things that can be addressed,
1 – Old twinks don’t know that twinks are even running again (but like me) would jump on the chance to play them again.
2 – Old twinks had heard a rumour that twinks are running again logged on their twinks quickly had a look at the que time saw unavailable, and logged off thinking it was a rumour that wasn’t true.
So I thought if I make a macro that I clicked whenever I logged on that advertised that twinks were up and running again. Hopefully people who were unaware would know that they are active. So I made this macro and have been using it for about a week.
/2 Twinks are back up and running and are active so if you want a character you can just go on and pvp without the grind go check WoW Twink Info for more info.
And the reason why I am now writing this thread is because so far I have have managed to find an old alliance twink on tarren mill and get him back up and running. and today I had a whisper from a horde again on tarren mill asking if 24-29 were up and running again I explained to check twinkinfo, I explained the games how active they were so on and so on. He’s said he’s making a warrior and he’s going to get his two mates to make a resto druid and a holy pala. And he was so inspired he said he was gonna farm for the boa weapon and make the twink tonight.
Seeing as though i have had success with it, my idea is if we get someone on each faction to quickly use a macro like that in a city on multiple servers, and actively help anyone who asks questions we could seriously improve our numbers and improve activity which means more pops, and I love pops.
But it has dawned on me recently that if I hadn’t accidently stumbled across the site when I was drunk one night hoping twinks were up and running again (thank god I did), I would not have heard of this community and re made my twinks and got 5 of my friends up and running again aswell.
It made me think well if wasn’t drunk once I wouldn’t be twinking now. And I remember back in the day when I was twinking there was a huge amount of twinks on the horde and alliance that just aren’t there now. And I think this could be because of 2 things that can be addressed,
1 – Old twinks don’t know that twinks are even running again (but like me) would jump on the chance to play them again.
2 – Old twinks had heard a rumour that twinks are running again logged on their twinks quickly had a look at the que time saw unavailable, and logged off thinking it was a rumour that wasn’t true.
So I thought if I make a macro that I clicked whenever I logged on that advertised that twinks were up and running again. Hopefully people who were unaware would know that they are active. So I made this macro and have been using it for about a week.
/2 Twinks are back up and running and are active so if you want a character you can just go on and pvp without the grind go check WoW Twink Info for more info.
And the reason why I am now writing this thread is because so far I have have managed to find an old alliance twink on tarren mill and get him back up and running. and today I had a whisper from a horde again on tarren mill asking if 24-29 were up and running again I explained to check twinkinfo, I explained the games how active they were so on and so on. He’s said he’s making a warrior and he’s going to get his two mates to make a resto druid and a holy pala. And he was so inspired he said he was gonna farm for the boa weapon and make the twink tonight.
Seeing as though i have had success with it, my idea is if we get someone on each faction to quickly use a macro like that in a city on multiple servers, and actively help anyone who asks questions we could seriously improve our numbers and improve activity which means more pops, and I love pops.