Addressing the Current Situation


I'm going to be as straightforward as I can be and explain this situation from my perspective.

This wasn't something that happened suddenly. I bought the site in mid July and outlined my plans for it, Shamatix made his first Xenforo site in early September because he thought he could build his first and capitalize on the hype that had been created for a new site.

There was one person that was trying to help with the site for about 2 weeks after I bought it, he stopped helping because he was unhappy with the ending of the Twink Cup, not because I "scared him away". My "threats to sue vbulletin" were obviously not meant seriously but were an attempt to express frustration at how unfairly I felt we were being treated by them. The fundraiser to ban Mocha was very wrong and I do apologize for that.

Conq and I did make an attempt in the early fall at some point to switch to Xenforo but neither of us had the experience necessary. There was one more major attempt to switch over, but the person helping abandoned it a couple days after seeing Shane's custom code.

From my perspective things started to heat up about a month ago when Conq decided to seek help from Shamatix and Chap. I already knew that Shamatix was making his own site at this point and so did Conq, that's why he sought his help. Conq shared some of the more specific plans that I had for the site with Shamatix, but pretty much all of them are things that were laid out in "The Future of Twinkinfo." The "help" that Shamatix provided was a a list of about 3-4 addons, and the advice that I should send a help ticket to Xenforo.

Conq offered $1000 to "fund the transfer" on the condition that I give him server access, which I knew would be used to pull the database from TI to use on Shamatix's website. Conq was essentially offering to buy a website that I had spent $10000 on for about $1600. I became "unresponsive" and started trying to do the transfer myself because I knew that everything that was going on with Shamatix, Chap, Superstylin and Conq at that point was just a pretext for a coup. The "friend" that Conq tried to get to visit me was Superstylin, one of the collaborators.

The staff weren't unhappy that I wasn't saying anything, for the most part they were unhappy because they didn't like what I was saying. I did take a bit of a step back in dealing with the community after the Twink Cup both because some people were unhappy with the outcome, and because I wasn't sure exactly how the site should be moderated. I wanted the community to be able to set its own standards but I also wanted those standards to create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

Shamatix has a far stricter "vision" of how Twinkinfo should operate, saying something along the lines of "Twinkinfo should be about info", yet his first attempt to promote an alternative site months ago was not in response to a lack of moderation, but in response to Agonist's complaints that there was too much moderation.

I've always tried to be a good person and live with moral principles. When I decided I wanted to buy Twinkinfo I approached Shane, asked him how much he wanted, and paid the price he asked. When Shamatix and Conq decided they wanted to own Twinkinfo, they tried to manipulate me into giving them the database, and now that that's failed they've given an ultimatum.

Conq has invested roughly $600 in Twinkinfo, I paid $10000 for it. I offered Conq ownership in TI equivalent to the % of that 10000 that he spent on it so that I wouldn't be able to just cut him out without repaying him once the site was running properly.

I don't want to sound dramatic but twinking has been a major part of my life since I was 15, and for the last 3-4 years of my life I've dedicated everything to this community. I've made a lot of sacrifices and at this point I feel like Twinkinfo, the community and the Twink Cup is all I have.
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Im not sure how to respond to this are you saying conq and shamatix are huge douchebags or what? i don't really understand what you want to say with this thread.
Im not sure how to respond to this are you saying conq and shamatix are huge douchebags or what? i don't really understand what you want to say with this thread.
It's a response to Conq's thread.

conq said:
IntroI want to thank you all firstly for staying active this past year; the bracket has stayed alive because of you, and will make these coming 6 months and on hopefully an incredible process. The people who haven't stayed active, and are coming back, or thinking about coming back, now is the time. The TC is in motion, and we are about to hit a point in our timeline that requires action if to be seized upon.

Together we form this community, and it is a brutal matter concerning all of us - that I, along with a big handful of community leaders, staff, as well as an admin have come to you today to make sure that the community & the twinking ‘era’ itself, not only stays alive, but RISES to new heights. Heights that WE CAN obtain, and that we WILL obtain with your help. So with that being said, this post is in fact created to hopefully get your help and support, which we will need.

But before I, or WE - get to the point of this post. Let me get one thing straight first;

I have very little if anything but unending admiration and respect for Myrm as one of the great visionaries of our playstyle. If it were not for the initiation of the TC, this bracket would not have GG19, it would not have The NWL, and it would likely not have anything resembling the success it has had. That success is owed to Myrm in large part, but naturally also to the community for sustaining such an effort, this success has even influenced other brackets in serious ways - so thanks for that!

The issue
Yet… As it “stands” right now, just barely with one foot on the ground; OUR community, THIS website, and twinking itself, is nowhere near where it could, should and/or needs to be. We have for the past 6 MONTHS - a long ass (yes, I can swear too!) time - been trying to fix, update and IMPROVE the site to what it could be. To get the publicity needed, have it run on its own feet, along with a future dream of professional partnerships. But have been met with some difficulties along the way. Where initially, the first walls met were fundamentals within what many would call our community. As an example - the word “tink” isn’t a public word Blizzard or bigger companies wish to be associated with. And have therefore been rejected by adsense(commercial value/advertising) over a dozen times for adult content, because adsense had tightened their restriction since Shane was the owner. The word “tink“ is not okay in their book and that extends to the domain name, even after (as some of you remember Agonist’ thread) highly censoring the website, and to this day we have had no success getting adsense up.

After last years TC, Myrm bought the rights to TI itself. Everyone was pleased, what a wonderful world. Who could be a better TI owner than the tink himself, in his own flesh and blood?

There was a great gameplan, and everyone was onboard. But as we slowly progressed with trying to develop the site and the community itself. A few errors came up, along with the previous owner; Shane, who had kept a few pieces of the original site which made us ineligible to move forward, and ineligible for the vbulletin license. Upon purchasing the website, Shane lead Myrm to believe that he would not have to do much to maintain it, it would make its own money, be self-sustaining and good to work with. But none of that was true, Shane never mentioned all the custom code on the website, he never agreed to give Myrm his Vbulletin license, and the website never made any money afterwards. Shane left Myrm and the community in a horrible position, we knew we had a mountain to climb. Shane essentially made off with a small fortune, right before trying to push us into our grave, for him it was about the money, yet for Myrm it is not about the money, he is a good person, with good intentions, but we cannot see our goals to fruition if we don’t band together to accomplish them.

Honestly? I am roughly $1000 USD into TI (including monthly bills. That was my choice, I am not looking to be reimbursed, or even thanked) but I have seen very little to no progression until I had announced that I had given up on it all this past weekend.

Now please bare with me and read on, it is very important to the future of twinking.

Unfortunately, during these past 6 months, as I have invested money in this website and paid its bills, we have seen staff members resign, and community disapproval within the TI administration rise significantly. We have done our best to utilize as many willing hands as possible, but have continuously been met with an either mute leader or a non-cooperative person. I don’t believe this is due to the CoC issues, but due to Myrms lack of involvement, not listening to the people he works with, not listening to community input, and not giving instruction, as many moderators and even admins can attest that Myrm has been no were to be seen, even community leaders like Pizza, Hunnybuns, Youbeezy, Livingforce and Superstylin have reached out in their own ways with varying degrees of luck. Now, this is no witch hunt after Myrm, whatsoever, neither Myrm, nor myself can pretend to be saints, but I want it to be said that I personally think I have done everything and more than I can or SHOULD have to avoid this. Even going as far to attempt to pay a friend of Myrm’s to visit him, which has yet to pan out.

About a month ago I told Myrm I had another $1000 USD I was willing to invest in a new website. But after a month and all the tech support we had brought along - withdrew due to Myrms inaction, I too decided to withdraw, and move forward with a community centered solution.

The last straw for me was when Myrm accidently deleted all of TI’s info this past week while experimenting, I had to pay an emergency fee to get the information restored, and actually had to beg him to allow me to do that, because he had full intention of abandoning our communities history, to me this information IS the collective history of twinking, and should not be messed with, and that leads us to this:

Crossing the line
From the initial sale of TI when the license was not discussed, to TC and Gamers League, to threatening to sue vbulletin, to trying to raise money for banning Mocha, not recognizing his lack of communication, and the issues regarding the domain name, putting off everyone whose extended a helping hand, to almost deleting our history, despite having tech support if he wanted it. Being afk for 6 months, and his lack of trust - Myrm being the only one with the hands on the wheel, and keys to the car has lead to numerous management disasters, but this is not his fault in the end; his burden is too big for one person. - it is clear to us that something must be done though.

The solution
Now, our solution is designed to be the communities solution, the idea that TI is separate from the community has been a long standing belief of many administrators, however, the reality is that the site is a direct reflection of the community, as any major medium of the sort will be, so we have begun the process of collecting community support for our solution to this image we see in the reflection of this website.

That being said there are other scenarios that contribute to the dire need for action.

This past September news broke about Blizzard Activision purchasing MLG; the largest E-Sports company in North America. In Legion it is no secret that PvP will be systematically overhauled, E-Sports are becoming the future of gaming. That being said, The NWL’s and the tink Cups success is no secret either. The community leaders and our goal (I believe lately we have been successfully achieving it) is to engage the community to a point where people actively participate in the NWLs and tink Cups improvement, the NWL has been such a success that we hope to apply for a Twitch partnership during the Legion pre patch especially if the TC goes well, if a 19s tink esports league gets partnered by twitch at the point where WoW is pushing E-Sports, it would be game changing. tinks would have a serious opportunity to find itself a spot in the mainstream, as a grassroots, self-made community, E-Sports are integrating themselves in society, mediums like twitch, allow even niche things like twinking to find success, this is within reach. That being said we need a proper headquarters for our efforts, and proper leadership to maintain such an effort, so we have begun building what I hope will be the next evolution of our playstyle. So I, along with trusted enthusiastic community leaders have begun building, a newer, more versatile and overall just more useful website in the ways which we require. A direction towards a better twinking era.
2/2 of conq's thread.

conq said:
The Future
The website is a little baby in production, with no more than a week's life on its hands. But has had significant success none the less. Soon it will be able to walk, and after that, run - holding your hands along the way! But until it is done, it will be unregistrable to the public.

Now to the more immediate aspect of this situation. Word got out of XPoff way earlier than we had hoped, so i am forced to put things on fast track, so here goes, and Myrm i adore you as a leader, but after all this time and money, and lack of communication, this is necessary, I want you involved in this as much as you are willing to be, but there has to be terms in advance (nothing will happen until the website is done and adsense is up), regardless if you agree or disagree - we will proceed with this, and the option will be available to you indefinitely, for the sake of our community.

Upon completion of, including Adsense, and all currently planned web development, Myself, Pizza, Hunnybuns, Blueprint, Shamatix, Chap, Superstylin, and Burg, as well as 1-2 more community leaders will offer Myrm an administration position as well as a seat at the table of if he can agree to these terms:
  • All organizational and management aspects of the TC will be left to a community committee, including Myrm.
  • All adsense revenue on will go to paying the website’s bills, future development of the site, community events and the annual TC prize pool.
  • Myrm will set up a redirect from to
  • Myrm will allow the transfer of all relevant information from to

In case you’re still wondering why we are making the switch to XenForo, we ask that you quickly take a look at this thread on our new website to gain an understanding of why we are moving forward with this despite the recent community outrage.
Really hope the two sides can come together on some sort of compromise. No easy solution here, but the longer the conflict continues, the worse the community will be for it.

I'm sure more people will side with you than them, and will continue to use TI regardless.

You have this twink's support for one.
I am going to wait it out. This site is like no other other WoW site. I have said that before. Be that good or be it bad. The kind of shenanigans that get allowed on this site goes unrivaled by other sites.
The only words of advice I have for the administration is if they plan on moving forward with making any capital off of the site is to get it's members in check. It has nothing to do with "censorship" or control. And everything to with people acting in a civilized manner.

After re reading what Conq wrote, this amounts to what in the corporate world is called a "hostile take over". It appears it may have been orchestrated by Conq, Pizza, Hunnybuns, Shamantix, Chap, Superstyin, Blueprint, Burg.... Whowouldathunkit!
This is getting better and better! I must add this to my report.
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@Myrm when you bought TI I was hyped, I felt like TI neded a change of scenery and I loved your work with the 2015 TC.

With all this being said, I never thought you would sink this low (or become this delussional).

You are accusing Shamatix and Conq of something they are in no way guilty of. Shamatix did not make his own version of TI months ago. He helped my guild Gurubashi Surf Club make their new website after our old one gor hacked. This is the website he made: . I have known Shamatix for years now, and he is a helpful guy with time on his hands who likes to mess around with websites. He helped us out when our website got hacked, and he has no intentions of running a website on his run, much less stealing TI...

Accusing him and Conq of trying to steal TI away from you, seems like a desperate attempt to keep people away from

Throughout the last month TI has been a mess, and it is slowly dying. If it is because you don't have the ressources or time to run it, or if it is sinply because of less and less interest I dont know. But something needed to happen. As far as I have understood you have been unwilling to let people help you, because you fear that they would get their hands on your 10k $ investment. Fair enough. But by doing this you doomed TI. A good example of this, is when you wiped the database of TI, by a mistake, because you wanted to do everything yourself, instead of gettig help from the developers you had available, because of your paranoia. is a necessary change. You can't handle this by yourself, and if you're not willing to accept help from those trying their best, with their intentions being the best for the community, then you are not suited to run this website. This must be a tough situation for you, everybody understands that, but making this thread, and starting a witch-hunt is really low.

Conq has invested countless of hours and cash in this website. All for the good of the community, he did this with no intentions or hopes of gaining anything. He eventually had to let it go, because you were to stubborm to cooperate.

I hope you are able to understand that nobody is trying to undermine the work that you have done for the community, and that nobody wants to steal anything from you. was not made to kill TI. It was made to help the community grow and prosper. Because at this point, TI does neither of these.
I can confirm has been in development since atleast september 2015, i remember very shortly after the twink cup speaking with Shamatix and he linked me his website and said to me "This website is just a project for fun, i'm not making it to overthrow twinkinfo". Just had to throw that out there.

On a further note I do feel that the concept and reasoning put forward as to why has been made is something i can agree with, however i do believe like Conq said that the history of twinking is a huge part of twinking and with the files that this wesbite owns is a big deal and one reason why i wouldn't want to see it go down the pan.

P.S No beef though Shamatix, i just didn't like to read that it said that the website you made is only 1 week old on Conq's post as i know for a fact that isn't true and seeing as everything has to come out now, so does the truth on this.

EDIT: The above information about me seeing in september i have found out is incorrect, sorry for the misunderstanding guys and apologies shamatix.
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I can confirm has been in development since atleast september 2015, i remember very shortly after the twink cup speaking with Shamatix and he linked me his website and said to me "This website is just a project for fun, i'm not making it to overthrow twinkinfo". Just had to throw that out there.

On a further note I do feel that the concept and reasoning put forward as to why has been made is something i can agree with, however i do believe like Conq said that the history of twinking is a huge part of twinking and with the files that this wesbite owns is a big deal and one reason why i wouldn't want to see it go down the pan.

P.S No beef though Shamatix, i just didn't like to read that it said that the website you made is only 1 week old on Conq's post as i know for a fact that isn't true and seeing as everything has to come out now, so does the truth on this.
Shamatix was working on his own hobby website for a while, different from, xpoff which as been a concept for less than a month, as I have no technical abilities and I've recently met shamatix

I havnt read myrms response and I'm probably not going to for now because I don't want to be distracted, I know what I did and it was the right move for the entire community, this website is going to be amazing.
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I can confirm has been in development since atleast september 2015, i remember very shortly after the twink cup speaking with Shamatix and he linked me his website and said to me "This website is just a project for fun, i'm not making it to overthrow twinkinfo". Just had to throw that out there.

P.S No beef though Shamatix, i just didn't like to read that it said that the website you made is only 1 week old on Conq's post as i know for a fact that isn't true and seeing as everything has to come out now, so does the truth on this.

It was a project, a project about getting to know xenforo just as I have a vBulletin license I do not use either, but this project developed into which STILL exists, I find it unbelievable how I get contacted by certain people on TI asking me to help, and ofc I am always happy just as I made most of that NWL stat book thing to help out the community, for the sake of it I am not even a contender in NWL. So I end up sitting in a group with Myrm, Conq and other administrators / moderators trying to help. Surely I did tell Myrm to go to Xenforos support as when I was dragged into all of this pile of shit he had already fucked his own license up so it was locked (Nothing I could help about). We planned on how to land TI on a finished Xenforo board, sure we did, but after that talk we didnt hear a word from Myrm. Untill a week later when he tried to move it over him self, only when he failed, destroyed that database by deleting it entirely he asked for help. At this point I was done, so shortly after that had happened I wrote a PM to conq:

[11-01-2016 01:28:09] Henrik V: Like I prefer if I could back out of this
[11-01-2016 01:28:24] Henrik V: I feel to no use other than getting laughed at
[11-01-2016 01:28:28] Henrik V: Lol
[11-01-2016 01:28:35] Conq Twonq: i can respect that
[11-01-2016 01:31:04] Henrik V: Blows my mind how you can have a group of people you are supposed to trust, and then still working alone and only when you fuck up your self you leave the responsibility to the rest
[11-01-2016 01:31:15] Henrik V: This isn't a leader, that's a boss

[11-01-2016 01:33:38] Conq Twonq: i wish you would explain your issues with myrms way of doing things before you leave
[11-01-2016 01:33:41] Conq Twonq: maybe if he sees that
[11-01-2016 01:33:44] Conq Twonq: if may start to work on it

I did make a writeup, and I thought I wouldnt have to deal more with this, however a few people contacted me, asking me if I would like to help set up a new website and once the website were done myrm would get offered admin. I dont mind help just as I didnt mind helping Myrm when I was in a skype group with him either. I know it might look "suspcious" as I have owned for half a year, but if I really would have wanted to steal anything I doubt I would have wasted as much money on a side project of my own as website instead of a Twonkinfo. You see half of the plugins on Gurubashisurf.clubs website are custom made, like the roster, avatar or should we say arena ladder... I did manage to pull some of these addons over to the new website by rebuilding them to a certain degree but I find this entire post way to low of myrm which I have told him.

I also find it low how you can make some form of "Trusted" people you are supposed to trust and get help from and then not listent to em? Only when you really fuck up you ask for help as when that database got deleted "Oh how much of the database is deleted"... Ye well thats hard to tell you ... it's like asking how many pieces in a puzzle is missing if you may not see the puzzle! I have been approached before as of why I am not moderator, if I want moderator and what not and if I was some power hungry guy as myrm makes me I would have said yes! But after the conversation I just had with myrm it sounds like everything the people in this shitty community cares about is freaking power and I am so tired of it, as he said:

"people donate to charities because they want to feel like a good person"
"I don't think conq isn't doing what he's doing for the community but that's not the only reason and it never it forr anyone"

I really dont see my self as a power hungry person and I didnt think that way of Conq OR Myrm but it seems after having a conversation with myrm everything is about who can gain the best reputation of the community. For real I think all should lay there pride aside for once and work together on something which atleast was what I had hoped for with and in a perfect world I wouldnt see a website being run by one administrator as myrm sees it, I would see a website being run by the freaking community it self! So having a team of people like Pizza, Hunneybuns, Daniel, Conq, Myrm and maybe some website builders like Chap, myself and ofc otehrs if anyone is up for it would be my dream.. I dont give a shit about who has the power! But I do care about seein this community moving forward and I didnt care to much if myrm really moved that thread yesterday or not if it would have brought a conversation with the people that has a word to be said on this matter around the table, but instead he posted this bashing thread. That is all I have to say on this matter, and I see no reason to steal TIs data? When our intentions were for the community and not for personal profit! But I doubt after the conversation I just had that myrm can lay his ego aside and work together with anyone relevant.

"my whole life I've strived to be respected, loved, I've wanted social acceptance"
"the easiest way to get that is often by paying for it"

I dont get why a community as a whole cant be respected! I know a ton of people have respect for people like Myrm, Conq, Hunneybuns, Daniel, Pizza, lets be honest. But my question is why is it we cant build something up together instead of working against eachother... Right now I see it as "Who can have the longest epeen" I must eitherbe really dumb or just ignorant?

Best regards Shamatix.

PS: If I had known this was how turn out, for the worse of the community, no I wouldnt have done it, but in all honesty I thought that when you ask for help you are going to listent to the people willing to help you and not just try your self over and over and only asking for help all the times you fail. All I wanted was for the better of everyone, but whatever, I think people are really unfair on this topic, and the new website was never meant to like lock myrm out at all, there even was a fully functional administrator account named "Myrm" prepared from the very beginning.... But whatever, if this is how people wants to see things.
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Twonkinfo was created 3 months before gsc, in September.
What has that to do with anything, yes I bought a domain called Twonkinfo, a domain I have also offered to hand over free. Yes I did play around with the design and how a potential twinkinfo could be, something I would have liked to show you but as TI was going nothing but downhill I started to fail on seeing how or why I wanted to spend time on a community like that, so later I got the idea to make s website as thats a smaller but way better community imo, once again mainly for knowledge as afterall I do work as a developer and I like fiddling around with things like this. I also did know that probably wouldnt be used at all as Daniel along with one of our main officers are / were out travelling for a longer period of time so GSC was pretty much dead at the time.
"This website is just a project for fun, i'm not making it to overthrow twinkinfo" ... and then decided to re-name it twonkinfo, play around with the design to look like TI.
So in General you're trying way too hard before even Myrm deleted the database of TI and for not being available most of the time in the last couple of weeks.
wonder why only the EU's are mad about it, is it because of the last TC? or is it something related to GSC-family bullshit I really can't tell. Stay small you cheaters.
Are u retarded lol?
And how is our website looking like TI?

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