Addon idea for optimizing pvp twink toon lifespan on a given bracket (retail xp-on twinking)


Hello there friends, been awhile since i don't post in this forum but i'm still very active on the 30-69 pvp scene, my gameplay is around leveling an alt to level 30, then start gearing it and go into bgs. Close to a level bracket cap i usually start quitting bgs to stop getting xp bonus and make my time gearing a toon more worthwhile, to avoid needing to gear again.

As controversial as this may be, this is the new meta for twinking without exploiting and i am not complaining, u can get months of play time in a bracket with a toon without the need to exploit anything (for those who know the xp off debuff). So, my idea was to transform this auto quitting a bg in an addon, whenever possible (let's say arathi basin with 95% resources trigger an auto quit from the battleground)

anyone with a basic lua knowledge could put me in the direction of making one, if not? I'm a Software developer in real life but no expertise in developing addons, i understand the addons basics but i thought it could be useful to share my story here and see if someone already came up with the solution to make it at least semi-automatic to leave bgs in this way


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