Account is hacked

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and also lost us first game after insisting on running around spamming arcane explosion to hopefully pull out rogues so they wouldnt get past(when all he had to do was spam at ent like i said due to their boomkins/rogues stealthing past previously which they repeated again as they weaved through browns ignorance and dropped healers/me resulting in horde gaining cap with low time remaining ect)

LMFA0 are you serious??

edit: oh wait nvm its brown we're talking about here hahhahaha
How did all of this start?
quality>Quantity, Its advice not a dick don't take it so hard...

Funny part is you take this "criticism" the hardest, you have this picture of yourself of being some sort of perfect twink that does so much for the community and all that shit, however you cant handle your shit, this thread is a perfect example of how you cant handle criticism and you try and cope by dishing out underhanded insults i mean "Criticism" to keep your image up. you do this so much on so many threads its not even funny
truth is 90% of this bracket hates you / laughs at you because your a 2faced shitter with a really bad ego trip

know your place...
How did all of this start?

It's like the Boston Massacre. Nobody knows who fired the first shot, but once it's fired, it's every man for himself.

unless ur sqooshi or I. then ur not on ur own u have your own army and followers fighting the world trying to defend twinkinfo from the trolls (Hajima)
This thread is a prime example of why this bracket has shriveled down to the small community it is today.
This thread is an example of kids lost on twisted facts tryin to toss em in my face and im launchin' em right back, if what they said was remotely true/relevant to my current play style and what they suggest would improve what i do, yes i would imrpove on it - But im not gonna brush it under the rug when some garbage twink calls me out on shit i don't even do, Ive yet to blatantly attack anyone besides bakked in this thread majority of my posts have all been responses to thirsty 19s, truth is 90% of this bracket is garbage, Im anything but 2faced "this thread is a perfect example" literally 2 days ago was good with majority of these people but im not going to lie to them just so i can maintain some shit level 19 friendship badge...

edit: if you pointed out how obnoxious i am i would have agreed but yet again shit insults based off the opinion of a heart broken twink, majority of these underhanded remarks are followed from previous games with said players where i give them advice and they dont improve/make the same mistake twice ect deserved to be smacked with some lip for stutter steppin and hesitating on the knowledge i handed them


Who are you? Be a man and suck it up - I don't think you should be giving anybody advice.
if this isnt a prime example that no one likes you and your a jew, then i dunno what is sqooshi ,
truth hurts mate, its all goooooooooooooooood son!
Funny part is you take this "criticism" the hardest, you have this picture of yourself of being some sort of perfect twink that does so much for the community and all that shit, however you cant handle your shit, this thread is a perfect example of how you cant handle criticism and you try and cope by dishing out underhanded insults i mean "Criticism" to keep your image up. you do this so much on so many threads its not even funny
truth is 90% of this bracket hates you / laughs at you because your a 2faced shitter with a really bad ego trip

know your place...

i can not like this enough
and i thought i was the only one who disliked sqooshi...hah this feels good.

ill post your skype picture if you say anything back to me little boy :p.
IM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT FIXED after like 20 hours....
IF you deleted me add me back at Axione#1553 (or if you would like to play with me sometime in the future)

Good luck on getting your account back Axi.

Edit: Call Blizz tomorrow morning and I'm sure you'll get it sorted out.

Edit 2: Nvm lol
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I present this to be false consistently throughout the pugs i que/put on my back daily

just stop this is already starting to circle with it progressing no where but you taking a forum break and me slaying the others

What the heck are you even saying??
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