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I recall multiple times webbing your healer(s) and you just continuing to run circles around the hut in a faint attempt of LoSing dps
hajimA do you activly play US 19s to be one to judge/criticize others
off topic but im recruiting all willing twinks to <BTB Secret Mid Strat> on BH alli
I got all my info set and I fixed everything... Now it says my account has been banned FML
Sqooshi said:
"we care for the bracket but wont put in effort to be competition in the yawnsong gulch"
This coming from the kid that transferred to the winning faction and joined the dominant guild when he got tired of putting the effort in to "be competition"? You have absolutely zero room to bash anyone for not working towards what's "genuinely best for the bracket".
are you daft? horde had no active fc and with gearz and others rolling/making prot their main 19 twinks it was foreseeable that horde was to be dead in a matter of weeks, do you not recall my 5-10man ques stomping the remaining WT to sleep? I did more for the alliance in the 2 months i was on it than any other self proclaimed bracket saviour... Open up your eyes...
You factioned after Pizza had returned as Shwinki, after WT had started group queing again, and after horde started winning the majority of their games. In your 2 months of dominance as "bracket savior" the only rt member that was consistently queing was Curley.
You factioned after Pizza had returned as Shwinki, after WT had started group queing again, and after horde started winning the majority of their games. In your 2 months of dominance as "bracket savior" the only rt member that was consistently queing was Curley.

nooo curley was queuing 24s you don't know what you're talking about kid. he queued every once in a while but no where near active, was playing 24s much more. The ppl in WT that were active at the time was like me, abigail, and DA was very active until he factioned to ally and joined warsong warlords with other members queuing occasionally.

i would know cuz i was there
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There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea
You became the light on the dark side of me
Love remains a drug that's the high and not the pill
if anything sit on a corner get topped off and LoS on high dmg casts (i.e star surge from boomkins)

Missed this due to just skimming over what you said earlier but I have never once seen you attempt to just use one corner of the hut as LoS. You are always trying to run around it and ping ponging with your charge. Quit pretending like you own it's not ownage
They had countless members under the old <Waw Tawent> tag that were queing up until the guild got cleaned - We often got pitted against them, Recall [MENTION=2555]Dorigon[/MENTION] deleting me off of btag after we ran a 10man and turtled 1 cap in with a brainless strat to stop any chance of them breaking our D
Large groups of wt members wasn't the norm then, because as stealthcnt said 2 posts up, they were off playing 24s. You organized a 10man because we had lost the last couple games after Dory and wt started queing. If you recall, this was the game where you were having difficulty finding enough rdps so you reluctantly let Brown play on his boomkin. "Fine, but if he doesn't do what I say I'm going to kick him", you said, then you spent the rest of the game in silence as Brown led the team to victory. But I'm sure you did remember that, and I'm sure that's the reason that you felt the need to call it a "brainless strat".

do you not recall my 5-10man ques stomping the remaining WT to sleep?
You said it yourself. You dominated the few remaining wt members that would que into pugs, but as soon as Pizza and RT were back in force you factioned and joined them. Wt / Shwinki would occasionally que but it was not the norm, and when they did que you were hardly more successful at beating them than anyone else that has put serious effort into organizing against them.

My point is simple: You provided "the competition" at a time when the horde was generally weak and disorganized, and at the very least more weak and disorganized than it is right now. When the horde was no longer weak and disorganized you joined them. As such you now have zero credibility bashing anyone that is making an attempt at being "the competition" at a time when the horde is not weak or disorganized, or at the very least not as weak or disorganized as it was when you provided the competition.
You're lying to yourself now just admit you have shitty awareness around the hut

your argument in this thread is similar to someone with shitty awareness around the hut
as Brown led the team to victory.

stopped reading when i saw this. stop making stuff up, ur making urself look silly
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