Account bound items will be able to send to other realms in 5.4.2 patch.

Seen this thread poppin up a lot but I still don't know what it has to do with F2P.
Let me sum this up for everyone...

Yes the day we have all been waiting for has come, and It's long overdue if you ask me! Now BoA's can be sent cross realm to other characters. As of patch 5.4.2 all you have to do to send the Boas to another realm is the following...

1) Open the Mailbox send tab.
2) Put the BoA items in you wish to send.
3) Put the characters name, followed by a hyphen, and the realm name. (Example: Skam-Drenden)
4) Click send.

The boas will now be in that characters mailbox. The enchants will remain on the gear, but xmog wont.. just as if you were sending it to a character in the past on the same realm.

In the upcoming expansion, Warlords of Draenor(WoD), there will be no sending BoA's through mail. Instead the Boa's will be put into a book, just like your Mounts and Pets are, and you can access them from there. :)

Hope I helped sum up the basics of this incredible change to WoW!
Has this gone live in the US?
P2P scrolls fixed?

Tooltip fixed, but apparently not scaled down.
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