Absurdity (49 Rogue CharDev)

? the ones i saw him link above had over 19% crit each. and this isnt necessarily a crit centric spec, its proc centric and mostly for lulz.

see wow.com's post about "lumberjacks" i had a good time reading it.Encrypted Text: The Lumberjack Rogue
I'd rather a more AP intensive spec as combat whilst spamming sin strike and evis. Especially when hoping for procs and speccing offhand damage. Evis is AP based anyway and with imp evis and the evis glyph (10% crit chance increase) and all the combat talents for evis/sin strike damage increase you don't need to worry about crit as much. You'll be hitting for a truck with massive procs hopefully.
Falkor said:
lol yea you definitely should have scooped that up for 75$....does he still have the info (are you still in touch with him?) or did he ebay it for more?

anyways, as much as i'd love for you to xfer to BB and play with me, plus flurry axe pwnage, i recommend you dont. i have 4 twinks on kargath that i play a lot more, and a new holy pally on gilneas for the guild i've been recruiting for. so if you do wanna come to vindication i'd say either kargath or gilneas where we could actually play a lot more/be guilded.

BB was my 1st home, i had about 3 friends from school that basically got me into WoW and i started on their server, BB. i never even had a 60 until about 3 months b4 BC b/c i got into the 49 bracket, scooped up a kang and never looked back until i heard abt the xpac and wanted a higher lvl lol. heh i'd prolly know your friends name if he played a lot, even if he was horde. but yea speaking of t2 new skins...lol i remember when that patch hit and all of a sudden i was like PMing all the people in Surge and FH like holy craps thats awesome gear, and then i realized it was just new skins, talk about back in the newb days =P...nostalgia ftw!

Lol no he doesn't have it anymore, sold it to a guildie instead, this was like 3 and a half years ago now at least. Back when T2 was the best gear and rank 11 was bad ass. That's moreso why I regret it lol, even if I would have just been a heal bitch (gg blizz class gear set itemization). Friend's char name was Ulmo, I can't remember the guild name though. His guild farmed out T2 faster than blizz could toss the skins on it lol. They all had it and I remember sitting behind him watching him play one time, and I was like "dude why does your gear look so shitty" and he proceed to go on a huge rant about how it was the best gear in the game and blizz was being slowtarded etc. They also apparently had the first horde side t-fury on their server, and first guild on server to have 2 t-furys.

I believe the char name has long since been changed or hasn't been active as I couldn't find it on armory way back when it was first implemented.
niiice huh suprisingly that doesnt ring any bells. but its been about 2years since i seriously played on BB so i forgot a lot of people, especially people not my faction. BB used to be where it was at though, Surge and Forgotten Heros were in the world rankings back in vanilla, both had t2 before reskin in oh what was that 1.8?. i remember when they 1st killed KT, ahhh back in the old days.

maybe in 3.2 if you xfer to kargath or gilneas and bring me a flurry axe i'll xfer my rogue there and we can just straight up proc people to death.
Falkor said:
niiice huh suprisingly that doesnt ring any bells. but its been about 2years since i seriously played on BB so i forgot a lot of people, especially people not my faction. BB used to be where it was at though, Surge and Forgotten Heros were in the world rankings back in vanilla, both had t2 before reskin in oh what was that 1.8?. i remember when they 1st killed KT, ahhh back in the old days.

maybe in 3.2 if you xfer to kargath or gilneas and bring me a flurry axe i'll xfer my rogue there and we can just straight up proc people to death.

Lol sounds like a plan. I'm sure it would be ridiculous dps in pve too, just spec precision and stack a ton of hit rating and you should be good to go.
yea no doubt. just the flat 5% proc chance from hack and slash sounds amazing. then thrash has like ~1-2% proc rate, and i cant find any data on flurry axes but from what i've read its nuts....so i can just imagine people blowing up. especially with high AP.
Yeah I've seen it in action at higher levels it's pretty insane, but even that was lacking the weapon procs. And the 19% crit in my profiles was buffed with mongoose, it was a ~14% static unbuffed. But realistically in comparison to a combat rogue in the other brackets that's around the same crit chance as they have. Most 29 combat/sin strike spammers are sitting at 13-14% crit chance as well as 39. Having a much higher AP compensates for the lack of crit and again evis is AP based so it'll be hitting for a ton of damage. Toss in the hopeful procs and you'll be seeing a lot of high numbers. Full buffed, your sinister strikes will be hitting for ~430 damage toss in white damage + procs and then 5 point evis for ~1120 non crit... This is with a 1008 AP buffed.
Great DPS for sure but I'm not sure how it would do PvP wise. If you are talking about group PvP and you always have some one with you I see it dishing out sick burst.

I always have been a huge fan of Subtley, 7/00/33.

As for the proc I can vouch that it procs all the time. I leveled a warrior back in Vanilla and had that weapon all the way to 60. So I see you doing wicked burst....

Just don't get caught with your pants down Mr combat :)
nvm10characters. cant remember how to delete =/
maerduk...xfer to me and we'll tear it up as combat xP

i really wanna revamp my rogue in 3.2 when i can afford to go out and get all the new pieces that have come out since vanilla.

i think im gonna xfer it off BB to kargath since i have an 80 there for heirlooms and better funding, since i dont plan on lvling my 70 warrior on BB.

come join me (bring an xtra flurry axe lol) and we can tear $h1t up as the gruesome twosome of combat rogues.

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