Absurdity (49 Rogue CharDev)


Lord of the Black Flame
With the new addition of 1h Axes to Rogues, I decided to check WoWHead for any new items I could use. I stumbled upon [ITEM]Flurry Axe[/ITEM] which reminded me a lot of [ITEM]Thrash Blade[/ITEM]. So I got a crazy idea, why not use both? They are both obtainable in the 49 bracket and with the talent points I have available for me I can get Sword Spec which is being changed to apply to Axes as well and having it's name changed to Hack and Slash.

-5% chance with Hack and Slash

-~5% from Thrash blade

-?% from Flurry, but from what I read it is quiet often where it can even proc of itself

It is a very gimmicky idea and I am not the best at gearing or specing, so I at least hope it gives someone an idea for a build or at least a good laugh.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Like I said, gimmicky build where I just hope to get off 10 attacks from one Sinister Strike. (SS procs these abilities, right?)

very gimmicky indeed, but sure would be fun to see the procs fly.

yes 5% proc from hack and slash. and that extra attack may be able to proc thrash, not sure if that was one of the mechanics that was nerfed though.

according to some posts on wowhead thrash is ~1.2 proc rate (like crusader)...so good, but no where near 5%. also thrash procs can no longer proc off each other.

yea idk the rate of flurry axe, but im sure its the same if not better than thrash. actually a good weapon for applying poisons, even if the damage is super low. also remember flurry will only proc off white hits since rogues have no attack @ 49 to hit w/ the OH. thrash will have a higher proc rate b/c of white and specials.

all in all a very tempting idea for my rogue, even tho flurry axes are prolly still hella expensive on burning blade. would be fun to see all the numbers flying, but at the end of the day combat still cant stack up next to sub.

oh ps you wont see 10 procs in a row anymore. the weapon procs like this were nerfed like prebc b/c it was just getting out of hand. sword spec cant proc off its self, etc.
Oh you play on Burning Blade. I was born and raised on BB, Horde side though.

Anyway, Yeah I must have read an old post about Thrash. They said it was close to 5%, but I know that PPM was something new while back that I never understood. (Kinda like how Life Stealing was 'Chance on hit (%) = weapon speed * 7.87' SOURCE)

Flurry actually had a different spell proc then Thrash and the proc was not shared by any other weapon. (SOURCE) But it does sound like (even in the current patch) that it procs A LOT. I also remember hearing the large amount of procs [ITEM]Blinkstrike[/ITEM] would get off in a single attack, but if things have changed then it just shows how long I have been away from this game.

yea man also born and raised on BB. might have fought against you for all i know...i had 49 warrior - Falkor, and 49 rogue - Felstrike all the way since vanilla.

kinda have forsaken BB in recent times....my main is actually on kargath now since my friend rerolled there and convinced me too, but i will pop on from time to time and mess around.
Falkor does sound familiar ... but I could just be thinking of something else.

I really didn't BG much in the 49 bracket, I had planned for my BE Pally to twink at 49, but I decided to have her become a Farm-A-Din like Hobbs. (AKA. Our Lord and Savior)

I really wish I could afford to keep a live account because I would try this out, but I will just have to wait for the private server and mess around with it there.

yup...now u have to make 49 top priority so we can mess around together =P

but anyways, whats the timeline for that. are u dropping 19 then waiting a while for the next x9 or doing a couple right away?
I will just say with NO PROMISES SO YOU GUYS DON'T GET ANGRY AGAIN but I MAY get the computer by Friday/Saturday and have it up and running not to long after that. So at the most give me 2 weeks.

I did open a poll awhile back in the Private Server section that asks 'What X9 Bracket Next?' So far 39 is winning with 49 not to far behind. 59 and 79 have 2 votes each and are tied for dead last. So expect 39, unless that vote gets swayed. You have enough time to rally the troops to vote for 49.

do 49 for ur old burning blade homie XD

i'll try to rally the troops....people should be all over this i've been excited since i 1st caught wind of you doing the 19 thing months ago. i was so hopeful that 49 would get one then, so fingers crossed soon.

if 39 wins or something, how long do you think it'd take till 49 or whichever one is next in line. im tellin ya i can hardly wait hehe (especially if that custom arena stuff makes it in)
My bad on the PVP gear and the gloves, but the Medal of Courage and Embrace of the Lycan are obtainable by Horde. I didn't know if the PVP neck and the Helm of Fire were better, I was just going by THIS SITE.

Alkaholic said:
That char dev is all screwed up, certain items that horde can't even get. U also don't need the flashlight as a horde rogue.

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner is a better Proctologist...

the only item not attainable are the gloves. the wsg neck is a sidegrade at best (less sta and AP for crit..). oh and your profile fails to be hit capped whereas at least zutys was over the cap (by too much imo)
IDK what the hit cap was, so I just over loaded it with +Hit in hopes of it being enough.

I am guessing +Hit is now a thing for twinks of all brackets to grab?


EDIT: Oh and I didn't answer Falkors question. Once the 19 server goes live, we get all the bugs worked out, and everyone is happy with the results, we will move on to the next X9 bracket and I will reopen the GM Application for players who are interested in learning how a server works and who are skilled in the X9 bracket. I have a good group of 'skilled-with-private-servers-and-such' guys, so I am aiming for people who are (for lack of a better word) virgins to private servers (and I don't mean 'I don't know how to get on a private server.' I mean, 'How do I make my own item?)
hit cap is 5% for a mob/player at your level (40 hit rating @ 49)

hit is the best stat to increase DPS until capped, then stack the others

+hit should definitely be a thing for all twinks to grab. at certain brackets (idk about 19) it might be hard/impossible to get capped, but the closer you get the better.
Falkor said:
the only item not attainable are the gloves. the wsg neck is a sidegrade at best (less sta and AP for crit..). oh and your profile fails to be hit capped whereas at least zutys was over the cap (by too much imo)
Lemme rephrase, he didn't need the flashlight cause the profile had 78 hit, take away the 24 from the flashlight and he'd still be @ 54 hit which is still hit capped.

I also changed the pants of the rogue I linked. It's now hit capped.
k good

im actually so tempted to try this out. would be very amusing to see the procs fly! even if it means giving up premed, prep, etc.
Falkor said:
all in all a very tempting idea for my rogue, even tho flurry axes are prolly still hella expensive on burning blade. would be fun to see all the numbers flying, but at the end of the day combat still cant stack up next to sub.

I have literally 5 flurry axes stockpiled on dmaw, I've been collecting them for awhile now out of boredom @ around 100g a piece. I would have more but with the comp being out, blah blah. Yeah. I fucking love flurry axe, dunno why, I always wanted them back when the proc was 2 attacks. :-/

I'm kinda glad this change will be going live before I've actually had a chance to start that 49 rogue I was considering making. I wanted it to be combat swords anyway lol.

Ally: http://www.chardev.org/?template=216651

Horde: http://www.chardev.org/?template=216655 (switch gloves with blight leather when on cd)
heh! ive always wanted at least one back when i had my 1st warrior in vanilla but they were always so damn expensive and i was self funded with no lvl 60 at the time. kang sure served me well though, so oh well.

i literally have zero gold and no lvl 80 on burning blade so unless one of my RL buddies gets me one im SoL lol
I'd consider xferring a char over with some gold/items to twink with you on BB (probably a rogue also lol). My old room mate used to play BB back in vanilla. Prior to t2 getting the actual skin it was supposed to have he had full t2 on his drood. Then he ended up quitting and tried to sell that account to me for 75 dollars, I regret every moment of not saying yes, and that I was like 20 bucks short at the time.

He was basically the other person that got me into WoW other than my cousin. My first char ever was a horde priest on BB still lvl 14 lol. I got it to lvl 14 and said screw it I couldn't stand leveling priest and my friend was always raiding/pvp grinding (made it to rank 11) so I never had anyone helping me out and I was pretty nub back then. I also regret that because my room mate said he could have gotten me into his guild and basically ran through MC for full t1 because they had it on farm and were already into other content (BWL/Ony). Ah the regrets of WoW lol. If it wasn't for the helpfulness of my cousin I'd probably be all horde chars instead of ally.
lol yea you definitely should have scooped that up for 75$....does he still have the info (are you still in touch with him?) or did he ebay it for more?

anyways, as much as i'd love for you to xfer to BB and play with me, plus flurry axe pwnage, i recommend you dont. i have 4 twinks on kargath that i play a lot more, and a new holy pally on gilneas for the guild i've been recruiting for. so if you do wanna come to vindication i'd say either kargath or gilneas where we could actually play a lot more/be guilded.

BB was my 1st home, i had about 3 friends from school that basically got me into WoW and i started on their server, BB. i never even had a 60 until about 3 months b4 BC b/c i got into the 49 bracket, scooped up a kang and never looked back until i heard abt the xpac and wanted a higher lvl lol. heh i'd prolly know your friends name if he played a lot, even if he was horde. but yea speaking of t2 new skins...lol i remember when that patch hit and all of a sudden i was like PMing all the people in Surge and FH like holy craps thats awesome gear, and then i realized it was just new skins, talk about back in the newb days =P...nostalgia ftw!

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