I just wanted to give a big thanks to this community for all of the help, feedback and most importantly, the fun arenas and bg's I've been a part of. In BFA and season 1 of SL I did a ton of M+ on a few toons each week as well as leveling a bunch more to 60. I had a blast doing this and as a result my toons were all pretty well geared.
But then on April 7 of this year my son Blake was born, absolute best day of my life 100%. I knew then that my altaholic M+ days were over, so I decided to focus on 1 toon, which ended pretty quickly. Around that time I discovered this community and decided to give it a go. My logic was that it's a dick move to leave a M+ run (if my son wakes up, etc) but I can leave a random BG nbd.
So on my Paternity leave, while my son was asleep/napping or my wife had him, I went balls to the wall making gold, moving toons to BH, reading guides on here and leveling toons. My toons aren't all fully socketed in TBC or ilvl28 gear, 2 are but not all of them, I have a Horde twink of each class/multiple specs and 6 Alliance twinks. I'm certainly not the best pvp'er by any means, I've been stomped by and have stomped both the Horde and the Alliance plenty but I've had a blast in the process. Currently I only get 1-1.5hrs a night to play (after my son is asleep for the night) so it's enough for a couple of BG's.
My son is now a just over 6 month healthy baby, and it's been the most stressful but most enjoyable 6 months of my life. Coming home from work, co-running a household and taking care of a baby is crazy and I'm exhausted each day. But that little bit of time I get each night stomping kids or getting stomped is such a stress relief and I'm incredibly thankful for having found this wonderful community. Otherwise I would've definitely quit WoW all together. Again thanks for everything everyone, see yall in the arena or BG's, cheers!!
But then on April 7 of this year my son Blake was born, absolute best day of my life 100%. I knew then that my altaholic M+ days were over, so I decided to focus on 1 toon, which ended pretty quickly. Around that time I discovered this community and decided to give it a go. My logic was that it's a dick move to leave a M+ run (if my son wakes up, etc) but I can leave a random BG nbd.
So on my Paternity leave, while my son was asleep/napping or my wife had him, I went balls to the wall making gold, moving toons to BH, reading guides on here and leveling toons. My toons aren't all fully socketed in TBC or ilvl28 gear, 2 are but not all of them, I have a Horde twink of each class/multiple specs and 6 Alliance twinks. I'm certainly not the best pvp'er by any means, I've been stomped by and have stomped both the Horde and the Alliance plenty but I've had a blast in the process. Currently I only get 1-1.5hrs a night to play (after my son is asleep for the night) so it's enough for a couple of BG's.
My son is now a just over 6 month healthy baby, and it's been the most stressful but most enjoyable 6 months of my life. Coming home from work, co-running a household and taking care of a baby is crazy and I'm exhausted each day. But that little bit of time I get each night stomping kids or getting stomped is such a stress relief and I'm incredibly thankful for having found this wonderful community. Otherwise I would've definitely quit WoW all together. Again thanks for everything everyone, see yall in the arena or BG's, cheers!!