US [A]<SUDS> Emerald Dream: New Legacy Reroll


Hey everyone! I’m here to introduce a new Legacy reroll guild. If you’re at all interested, take a peek at our website:
TLDR: New guild that's running old-world content in a reasonably true to period way looking for members. Look at the above website.


<SUDS> is a new community oriented legacy guild seeking members to join us for our upcoming launch on June 14th, 2017. We are an ambitious group that will be approaching old content in unique and exciting ways. In contrast to other legacy guilds that have come and gone, we offer a dedicated core membership as well as a concrete structure for legacy play.

<SUDS> absolutely refuses to be another legacy guild that goes belly up in a week. How many guilds have been created to “experience old content the way it was meant to be” only to burn out after two weeks of play? Legacy guilds have earned a reputation for being whimsical pet-projects destined to be thrown to the curve. That is not who or what we are. Rather, we are offering an entirely new, detailed, framework from which we will operate.

The core membership has a decade long history of gaming together. We’ve been looking for something to do as a group and Legacy WoW struck the perfect chord. Some of us have significant experience in WoW, a couple are brand new -- which presents its own sort of excitement. As for myself, I've played since Vanilla and spent most of WotLK and Cataclysm looking for a solid legacy or reroll guild. I must have joined a dozen, including spending a bit of time in Screams of the Past towards the end of their reign. Most of the guilds I joined were disappointments. Reroll guilds too often lacks leadership or direction and lose steam in a couple of weeks. Level 60/70 guilds are often cold places, filled with the inactive alts of those looking for a novelty experience or curmudgeons irrationally bitter about changes to the game.

The notion of legacy guilds was in the back of my mind up until the Nostalrius fiasco when I realized just how many others were looking for a community to do this content. When our group was looking for something new, it seemed the perfect opportunity to give a Legacy experience in WoW the best shot possible. While legacy guilds have a well-earned reputation for being flaky and frivolous, SUDS is determined, beyond all else, to prove itself.

If you’re at all interested in what I’ve been saying please hop over to our website: We’re all incredibly excited to find more founding members to join us on June 14th and can’t wait to see the ideas and personalities everyone brings to the group.


1. Clear Rules & Expectations:
All rules and expectations regarding how we handle classic content can be found on our website at There should not be any worrying about what is and isn’t allowed.

2. A Dedicated Community:
SUDS has been formed by a group of lifelong friends and directed towards

3. Refreshing the Difficulty:
Playing through this content with a full 40 man raid nowadays is incredibly boring. There is no risk of wiping, the bosses are dead within moments, and the entire experience becomes incredibly bland. To counter this, all level 60 raids, from Molten Core to Ahn’Qiraj, will be done with no more than 10 players adhering to the above-mentioned standards. Adding to the experience,
this will produce multiple raid teams in friendly competition with one another to clear content first.

4. New “Legends” System:
While future content will be locked prior, certain races and classes, as well as flying, will be unlockable through “quest chains” to be completed by a player upon reaching level 60. These are grindy, expensive and difficult processes for those who wish to participate. The aim with them is to give players something more to do for those who want it and breath a bit of life into stale content. These unlocks currently include: Flying in Azeroth, Shaman, Draenie, Death Knight, Worgen, Monk, and Pandaren. See our website for details on each.

5. Unique, Content Appropriate Events:
Legacy content produces the challenge of having to find ways to entertain ourselves. Guild events will be consistent and tied in with the legends system. Duel tournaments, weekly five man/ heroic nights, and quite a bit more can all be expected. Please see our website for a full list of planned events. Again, we encourage you to come forward with any ideas!

6. Gated Content:
A common problem legacy guilds face is blowing through all an expansion’s content in a week and then having nothing to do for months as they wait to move to a new tier. That is the place guilds go to die. Rather, we will be gating different tiers of content appropriately. A minimum of one month will be spent on each raid and we will not Occasionally, there will be a different event or trigger needed to unlock the next tier: such as the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj.

7. World Events:
Different events marked the movement of one expansion to another – the arrival of the Draenie, the invasion of the Burning Legion through the dark portal, the invasion of the scourge, and more. We will endeavor to create a similar feeling of movement from one place of content to another through world events. Whether it be all getting together to make Draenie alts to go through the Draenie starting zones, going through the Dark Portal to Outland as a group, or entering Northrend together.

8. And more! We want you to share any ideas you may have!


We’re all in our early to mid 20s. We’re looking to produce an atmosphere that is fun, but capable of upping the tempo and taking things seriously. We joke around, there’s often relatively crude humor -- be able to take a joke. If you’re used to typical internet culture, you’ll fit in just fine. Ultimately, we want long-term core members who fit in.


Raid times as well as expectations will vary. We anticipate more interest than just a single ten man raiding team, so there will be multiple teams as a result. The dynamics for each raid team are up to that team.


Members are expected to be active, respectful, and reasonably mature. It’s extremely important to know and follow guild rules because we are dealing with legacy content. Players who, say, go to Outlands and then bemoan they had no idea they weren’t allowed to while in the guild are not welcome. Skill level and experience are bonuses, but not considered as requirements in a successful application. We’re looking for others who will take the guild’s journey seriously and who will fit in -- you don’t need to supply us with your 110’s Mythic Nighthold logs.


Please take a look at our website at for further explanation of our guild, legacy framework, and standards.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them here or on our guild forums at

You can also contact me directly at:

To apply please visit


Zanaran / GM: Sudsguild#1951
The guild is coming together nicely with 16 members and growing everyday. We will start our legacy journey in just 4 more days. Join us to experience a new way of a Legacy guild.​
+Update+ Got a few people to hit level 60 already come on and join. Amazing group of people so far.

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