A starting warrior needs help


Well, i started playing at hamcake land. I usued to play a priest, but now i wanted to make an dps class. I had choosen warrior. As i wasn;t ever playing a warrior, the simple and normal think is that i need some advice:)

I got no really idea how to duel people. Ofc i know the general tips, like

-while fiting rogue keep rend and slow on him

...but i wanna know somethink more. If anyone could tell me, how the duel against rogue should look step to step, i would be verry glad.

same problem i have with almost every class. Like main problems are: should i stay in batlle stance against shamans, so i can burst them and harmstring, or should i get into drfensive stance, so i can disarm them. Or should i maybe stay on batlle stance with sword and shield, so i can destroy the totems faster.

Remember i'm asking about 3.3.5 patch, so don;t tell me about cata please;)

Sorry for my terrible English, but i'm not from England:)

One more time thanks for any help:)

If you have some links to guilds/vids showing/telling 19level warrior tricks/tips/advices/good gameplay i would be really happy if you can share them too:)
The best thing you can really do is practice/duel. No matter what class you are facing, duel them. Try out different things, see what works the best. As a warrior you have very little mobility. Continue moving, and make sure you have the enchant to your boots for that minor movement speed. Don't stand there hitting them, jump around them. Make sure to keybind, at least a little bit if you need to so you can focus on moving with your mouse. Don't run around backpeddling. xD Just continue dueling and try out different things.
I'll give you some advice. DON'T GO A WARRIOR.

I'm not trying to be an asshole or smart ass but ATM warriors are really pointless. Once you charge the opponent, you really screwed. Mages will blink, Hunters will Disengage or Scatter Shot you, if rogues stuff up their opening they will gouge you and sprint away.....etc.

If you truly desire to go a Warrior, I recommend that you get a friend to Role and H Pally and then with his/her heals you will have more time moving around in WSG rather than siting in GY all day.

If after reading above, you consider not making a Warrior I recommend a Pally. You can self-heal and still be a Melee class.

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