A question about a hunter MM/SV build


Hi, I am new to the forums here. Hi all!

I've played with a marksman hunter for a long time, experimented with lots of different builds, but levelled him up after i got dangerously close to levelling... and decided that a NE was better for raiding.

Recently levelling up a new draenei 49... just got all my mara gear and grimlok's yesterday, but before that messed around in BGs for a while just in questing greens... And what i come to realize is that even without all the gear, hunters still put out formidable burst damage. I was hitting the top of the charts with crap gear at level 45 pure MM spec with hawkeye. I wasn't running into nasty premades, mind you, but there were are lots of 49s in there who were at least semi-twinked... so to get to my point.


I want to try a survivability cross to center around lock and load, with the core MM stuff still there. I have no idea how lock and load works, and am at 50 gold respecs, so i thought i would fish for some information here.

Obviously this would center around serpenting everyone and keeping at range and bursting them to death with arcane shot, and increase survivability with the stam and instincts.

Improved wing clip is soon to be gone, and i don't really rely on it much anyway. I have no problem staying at range most of the time unless i get stunlocked and focused.. which i really don't think there is any point strategizing a way out of.

So.. i was just curious about the survival tree and how to cross-spec with it.. any advice would be greatly appreciated. There is some great stuff further up in the tree, i'm just not sure how well it fits together for 49s.

my favorite full survival spec is http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=cZZfcoio0IhxuV. it depends on how you play but saying that you dont have a lot of trouble staying back theres a good added ranged ap and crit rating in there along with stam for survivability. for those close encounters you may want counterattack but depending on your gear, id go with this one. if you have a decent sized mana pool this build is great but maybe a few tweaks could be done if its not looking so hot mana wise.

[char=us-Argent+Dawn]Alinian[/char] is my friend Spaz's hunter and he does pretty good. your surrent spec is great, but id personally take the 4 out of MM (readiness,stings) and put in 2/3 hunter vs wild or killer instinct.
I'm just going to use the PTR site's talent trees since.. soon enough etc..


for 30% crit damage bonus and Aimed or


for +15% agi and Wyvern Sting.

Imo.. you can't pass up Entrapment if you go more than 5 points in SV. Frost and Explosive traps then equal an AoE immobilize.. crazy efficient and effective

You also shouldn't pass on Scatter Shot if you go more than 10points deep.. It's just too strong to pass up

Imp Tracking is just a filler talent.. it's good, but not worth 5/5 and passing on Entrapment and Scatter imo.
i have more experience with 39 hunters but I've also given some thought to a good mms/surv hybrid build, because IMO you can't pass up aimed shot or you wont be able to kill healers at all.


the utility of imp concussive shot beats out 2% crit. The 3 points in improved arcane shot are interchangable with killer instinct depending if you want more dmg or more crit.

/2 cents
wow, hunters are OP.... what a surprise
Imp Conc Shot is good.. but again not as good as some of the other talents.

More crit raises your crit chance on EVERYTHING.. autoshots, arcanes, aimed, multi, etcetc

Imp conc shot gives you an extra 25% duration on conc shot.. for a 2pt total of 6sec on a 12sec cooldown..

Imo, a hunter can live without it.

Imp Arcane Shot = ~+20pt damage on Arcane shot at 3pts.

An extra 3% crit would do more for you, but I can see the argument.

It's a preference call really.

For me, personally, 5/5 Lethal > Imp Conc Shot

3/3 Killer Instincts > Imp Arcane Shot (yes, even with LnL.. a crit(2x) does more than non-crit(+20damage) amirite or amirite?)

but that's just me

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