A plea to everyone playing in the revival


Definitely had some fun games last night, really enjoyed playing on both factions...

BUT, I was really bummed about the lack of effort some people had made to update/gear their character. It really isn't hard to do. BiS gear is pretty straightforward for most classes. If you are unsure how to gear, please check out the armory thread on this website or the gearing guides on Level 39 | bisnation.net. Almost all of the BIS gear is obtainable to players, you shouldn't have to worry about GF'd gear.

ALSO, I encourage everyone to make characters on both factions. It makes balancing out games a bit easier. Leveling a character to 39 takes less than 4 hours. There are plenty of people willing to help you with runs once you are 39.

AND ONE MORE THING: although I really like mixing it up between WSG and TP, I think a non-FC map would be really enjoyable. Before the revival we played a few wargames on Gilneas, I think it might be a really fun map to play (assuming teams are balanced).
There isn't enough CC to make BfG worthy. AB's organized chaos is a nice break from the monotony.

You forgot more FCs and healers.
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Already have a 39 paladin waiting on my account once I can play. Is holy viable? If so then I'll prolly do that and make a ret set on the side. Any suggestions for a horde toon? I'll heal on that too would just rather not play 2 of the same class
I think I might make another 39. Probably Rdruid. Used to FC back in BC so maybe I'll run around with a FC set and a Healing Set? I remember someone saying Rdruids are also viable healers. Considering Rdruid heals are stronger than Hpal heals at 19 and 29 and all the new healing spells at 39, should be easy to perform.
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Already have a 39 paladin waiting on my account once I can play. Is holy viable? If so then I'll prolly do that and make a ret set on the side. Any suggestions for a horde toon? I'll heal on that too would just rather not play 2 of the same class

From what I've heard Holy Paladins are really weak at 39, Ret is pretty good though
lol shadez outhealing a healer as ret.

rdruid is okay but not really a great spam healer compared to say a resto shaman but has pretty solid dot healing. the mobility to get away while still adding your heals around is pretty nice also whereas most other healers minus priests bubble mitigation usually have to stand and take the beatings if no peels help out(sadly this is usually the case and a reason why people don't roll healers because twinks are for the most part stupid and don't protect/peel for the healer at all)

I run with the regrowth glyph so it crits everytime since the actual health tick from it is so tiny it really isnt worth wasting it plus it auto critting means living seed can just stack up really nicely and if you can get a bunch of spam heals out on a target the instant heal can be stacked up to like 3838 or so.

Since I'm lazy, let's pretend I took the time to post all those that are available at end game. Now compare & contrast. Nope, CC capping isn't realistic. First to take a second base wins a futile struggle.

AB's elevation changes and two more bases to cover make it impossible to ever fully defend where you might need it.
not really with ab. good comms can call out any incoming from LM.. sadly horde have a slight advantage of terrain in that bg. just have good rotations on defense of your 3 cap and ab is easy. pub games is different but if players are on comms its actually pretty easy.
Agree to some extent, but we're not talking about premades. Pugs can fairly easily manage BfG.

Gliders can make AB a different game.
HEALERS please! roll healers. almost every game I was in had 1 healer or none.

All I roll is heals. And that is the issue, everyone only wants to play DPS. Healers get focused. I just won't play if I am the only heal on my team and healers are not getting peels. Pretty straight forward. I stopped playing after a few games because of it. Let me know when when get more heals.

The idea of playing something other than WSG is great. However, the play difference is night and day. The teams I played on did fairly well on WSG maps but awful on other maps. It could have been lack of experience.
8 DPS vs 1 heal has nothing to do with positioning. We have discussed that the 39's lack healers. Which equals too many DPS.
At level 39 there is plenty of CC. Do I really need to name them all? Pandaran resto shaman has at least four if you include windshear. And that is a healer. Just imagine what a DPS has.
Had fun on Saturday night. I qued disc first 3 games and SP last 3-4 games. Seemed like there was 2 other healers with me in first few games. When I queued shadow, we only had 1 healer most of the games. I was trying to bubble and heal teammates as SP but the heals sucked and I couldn't keep anyone up.

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