A new video... is coming....!

Not Yetimus D:"

He's a nice guy, kids and all, a real family man! He doesn't deserve to be poked and prodded for funsies by would-be raiders!
but yeti lord can be soloed by a pally
too easy
I was chest farming and i thought of a good idea! there are 4 26ish elites in that castle place in hillsbrad....they're elementals you could take them all on at once. they hit pretty hard so it could be a challenge
I was chest farming and i thought of a good idea! there are 4 26ish elites in that castle place in hillsbrad....they're elementals you could take them all on at once. they hit pretty hard so it could be a challenge

anything with a taunt could taunt off each other and not even get hit.
Occulus the Corrupted, a level 50 rare right outside the caverns of time, might be fun to try but might actually be to hard to hit.
Just raid a whole zone for leveling 40's. Preferably a leveling zone of the opposite faction, so you can make some people freak out.
Hmmm keep the suggestions coming

I will do some in-game testing next week if anybody wants to join, we'll actually go pull some of the suggested mobs and see if we can tank/hit it ok, to get an idea of how big the mob should be for a 2minute fight with 20 of us
All i'll say is that when this happens, please please please make it at a time that EU's can do comfortably.
I tested a Tyrant Devilsaur in Un'Goro; he hits for ~800 when I am prot, so I think that would be quite an ideal challenge for healers. As for hitting him... I have no idea.

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