Now this might be false but, I heard somewhere a few months ago that xp locked characters can now do bgs with normal characters that are lvling up. Is that true or what? Haven't twinked in a few years so have no idea of what's happening now.
Now this might be false but, I heard somewhere a few months ago that xp locked characters can now do bgs with normal characters that are lvling up. Is that true or what? Haven't twinked in a few years so have no idea of what's happening now.
Yes it is true that xp locked characters are battling again with non xp locked characters. There are pros and cons to this change though. It went at cost of twinking and the community let their favo play style just being walshed over by blizzard and took these changes without a fight. Just like everyone else who bought Legion and or are still subbing to this game.
Now this might be false but, I heard somewhere a few months ago that xp locked characters can now do bgs with normal characters that are lvling up. Is that true or what? Haven't twinked in a few years so have no idea of what's happening now.
Yes, starting with 7.0x( the Legion prepatch) XP locked and unlocked are now merged. Gear also has very very little effect in instances PvP( battlegrounds).