A good example of a bad twink

he woudn't have been listenned to anyway...

GY farming barely ever happens on my battlegroups, too many people wanting to capture and too many ways to make sure it doesn't happens.

well talked too though !
Heh- guys like that is one of the reasons I re-geared as flag spec- If i have the flag, I can cap it without screaming at someone to stop farming HKs.
Natasya said:
You actually saying he get banned - if he even got a account here - from this forums because he argued with you in-game? Eventhough I'm not a fan of graveyard-farming either, I'm still thinking that's almost just as sad.

I registered on this forum just to disagree with this.

While I'm a fairly extreme advocate for the rights of people to hold and express differing opinions, the moderators of this forum are under no obligation to allow them access to say it here.

By allowing it here, you tie yourself to comments from such people. When some random idiot from wow general quotes him bragging about gy camping and says 'look what the twink community supports!', any defense you offer is ignored, because allowing him to behave like that while among you equates to tacit support of the validity of his views.

It's a fine line to tread, you need differing opinions to promote intelligent conversation and resolution of issues, yet you can't let people bring the community into disrepute. Take a look at wow general for an example of a forum with little moderation, does anyone even read it anymore except trolls?

TLDR: he can say what he likes, but if he says it here it reflects on all of you.

Edit: Not that the guy looks literate enough to check forums, or post on them, or even find them for that matter.
Flexing e-peen in forums makes you good at the game also...
Ymir said:
I registered on this forum just to disagree with this.

While I'm a fairly extreme advocate for the rights of people to hold and express differing opinions, the moderators of this forum are under no obligation to allow them access to say it here.

By allowing it here, you tie yourself to comments from such people. When some random idiot from wow general quotes him bragging about gy camping and says 'look what the twink community supports!', any defense you offer is ignored, because allowing him to behave like that while among you equates to tacit support of the validity of his views.

It's a fine line to tread, you need differing opinions to promote intelligent conversation and resolution of issues, yet you can't let people bring the community into disrepute. Take a look at wow general for an example of a forum with little moderation, does anyone even read it anymore except trolls?

TLDR: he can say what he likes, but if he says it here it reflects on all of you.

Edit: Not that the guy looks literate enough to check forums, or post on them, or even find them for that matter.

Welcome Ymir! I can see your (valid) argument, and while this site was once just a personal blog for Drayner, it's grown beyond that into a semi-journalistic site, offering news, features, twinking tips and the exchange of free ideas. With that, the site does have to allow a certain amount of equal time to opposing viewpoints. The good news is that we have VERY good mods here, and they hold an eternal vigilance to keep trolling to a minimum. There are those who see us as a force for good, and those that see us as a force for evil, but the fact is, we’re simple a force to be reckoned with! (sorry- couldn’t help it!)

In these pages, you’ll find that, while we always don’t get along with each other (I think there is a particularly funny/sad exchange between me and Megga once ;P) we tend to agree on one thing: Better to voice and expose, than keep it in the dark.

Welcome to our ranks, and I, for one, look forward to your participation.

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