A Free-to Play's Almanac for wPvP

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This should be like a common sense thing.

One word.REDRIDGE.

You dont need to go to GURU, ashenvale they are too high level, redridge is lvl 15-20, appropriate for f2p
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Inb4 some interesting discussion about ruining other players lvling experience *grabs popcorn*

I enjoy ganking in lvling zones as well, but my area of effect is Stranglethron, nothin better than ambushin a lvl 28 nonloomed pala and raping him in the woods >:)

Awesome read btw :)
I think their Redridge/Ashenvale comment was meant as a joke. At least, I hope it was. No halfway decent f2p ganks below level. That's like… the opposite of "appropriate".

When we wPvP, we go for the challenge, meaning Duskwood and Ashenvale are the minimum zones. 20-25 zones are appropriate only for solo ganking, except on world holidays where those zone might be quest zones, and therefore populated with higher level players. At which point it's respectable to wPvP in those zones in a group. For group or challenging solo wPvP, players should stick to the 25-35 zones like Stranglethorn.

There's nothing respectable about killing someone below 20. And since most 20s aren't too well geared, it's rare that killing them is respectable either. We ought to be able to destroy any of these players, just like someone in a Ferrari ought to be able to beat someone in a honda civic. People who gank lowbies are like people who think it's cool to race their sports car against minivans. We all look at those guys as pathetic right? Same thing here. There's no difference between us PvPing in places like RR, and a 90 PvPing in places like STV. And how much do we all hate those 90s? :)

If people are having a tough time wPvPing in 20+ zones, I suggest the following: rather than get their kicks by incorrectly believing they're doing awesome wPvP by pathetically ganking lowbies, they come roll a toon on BWL. There we will help them gear and train them in the ways of the force and wPvP. We can get them to good spots, show them the patterns to watch for, and teach them how to hunt those dirty dirty Alliance. And we do group wPvP one or two nights a week, so they can hone their skills in the safety of numbers if they like. But please, whatever we do, let's not suggest they stoop in order to have fun. All they'll get is a sarcastic /pat from any decent player. :)
they come roll a toon on BWL. There we will help them gear and train them in the ways of the force and wPvP. We can get them to good spots, show them the patterns to watch for, and teach them how to hunt those dirty dirty Alliance. And we do group wPvP one or two nights a week, so they can hone their skills in the safety of numbers if they like. But please, whatever we do, let's not suggest they stoop in order to have fun. All they'll get is a sarcastic /pat from any decent player. :)

You have no idea how much this makes me want to roll an ally on BWL just to find wherever you all do world pvp and snipe you off 1 by 1 >:)
Sorry how you gonna tell me, Ive ganked over 3k world killing blows, I have full justice BoAs from ganking .we have 4 rogue gank squad on our server at the prime time

I have it all planned out

1 takes the redridge mountians area and GY there
two of us take the three corners area and
one takes the three corners GY incase they decide to do the spirit healer rez.

http://i47.tinypic.com/iqjvjl.jpg this is FOUR dead alliance in under 5 seconds solo and three were worth honor points, as long as they are worth honor points=honorable targets.

I can take a screenshot today right now been in the area and I just got on 40 minutes ago it already looks like an AV battleground over 50 skeletons laying everythere.
This should be like a common sense thing.

One word.REDRIDGE.

You dont need to go to GURU, ashenvale they are too high level, redridge is lvl 15-20, appropriate for f2p

Rea11y good work so far, keep it up

I have a section you can add to the a1manac ca11ed "f2p wPVP on a PVE server with a horde priest"

THe best zoen for this is e1wynn forrest - one p1ace you can go is the human start zone

Most peop1e there are new to the game and don't know what they're doing, so what you can do is find some 1eve1 1-5 who's ki11iing mobs and find a tree

Hide behind that tree since you can cast Dominate Mind thru trees, and then when they are running towards their next quest mob you DM it and make it run towards them

This wi11 a1arm them and they wi11 attack it, f1agging them for pvp, and you can proceed to attack them - this has made for some rea11y good wPvp

2) another thing you can do in e1wynn forrest if you have a horde priest and an a11iance character on the same pve rea1m (any c1ass wi11 do for your a11iance), go to go1dshire on your horde priest and park him on the inn roof or somewhere c1ose, out of range of the guards

next, 1og onto your a11iance and find an a11iance hea1er of 1eve1 23 or 1ower (since f2ps can't DM someone about 23)

f1ag yours1f for pvp and po1ite1y ask them to cast a hea1 on you - say something 1ike "hey can you toss a hea1 on me? I'm testing (druid/pa1adin/priest/shaman/monk) hea1ing" - this wi11 f1ag them for PVP

after they do that then 1og onto your horde priest and from your safe spot, you wi11 now be ab1e to cast DM on them, and they wi11 aggro the guards and the guards wi11 ki11 them

the guards wi11 then ki11 you too but its sti11 good wPvp

sorry for the 1's my e1 key is broken

hopefu11y this makes it int the a1manac
Player 1: Everyone, go gank lowbies in Red Ridge for wPvP

Player 2: Have some class, play like the good players play. Ganking lowbies is pathetic. Only gank people higher lvl than you.

Player 1: Let me tell you and show you proof that I gank lowbies

Player 3: Let me tell you how to gank STARTER ZONE lowbies

I'm 99% convinced Izac was being satirical. But if not…. well that's the most pathetic thing I've ever read on these forums. Are you SERIOUS? You one-up the OP by an order of magnitude.

/facepalm Some people just don't get it.

Somebody rescue this thread. Because the OP and this guy have tanked it about as far as it could go. If we're talking about ganking start zone folk, we literally can't get any lower. This is worse than 90s ganking us.
for the last time how can you argue with me Ive been ganking since late April of last year and it took me a while to find the best spot. I know where and how to gank
This is the proof all I need
show me how many world legit killing blows you have I am experienced enough I gank 50-70 alliance any time I want to gank

This is how it ends up after camping 1 1/2 hours solo

Now show me similar results until then I believe everyone should go to redridge there is a STEADY SUPPLY of people constantly going in. I sometimes dont even have time to 1 click them
Damn so this thread is actually serious?

For a minute there I thought the OP was joking/trolling. But no, I'm convinced he serious, and oblivious. He's clearly misunderstanding the entirety of the topic.

I hereby consider this thread dead. The OP will go on, not at all understanding why we all think he's a total clown.

Bye bye free-to-play's Almanac for wPvP.
im more experienced than you at world pvp

thats all. This is like 20-24 bg pvp from a p2p rogue prespective. Except they are the f2ps now
I'm 99% convinced Izac was being satirical. But if not…. well that's the most pathetic thing I've ever read on these forums. Are you SERIOUS? You one-up the OP by an order of magnitude.

Some peop1e just have different opinions about what makes qua1ity wPvp

for me I 1ike to ro1ep1ay when im in the starter zone

it's 1ike im hindering the a11iance from training their new recruits in the ways of war

for me that fee1s rea11y coo1
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