Been using these macros a little while and they seem to work pretty well in WSG as well as in AB for some. Most are good because the sorta guide the PuG noobs as to what they should do.
When you are going group vers group and the other group has a healer that your allys arent targeting.:
/say Focus %t
What this does is it /says in chat to focus whoever your target is.
If you are a flag carrier, and you get flag blocked by a sub 1k hp druid flag-hero.:
#showtooltip Enrage
/say Please pass me the flag, I have more health than you; Por favor, pase el indicador, tengo más salud que usted
The tool tip is a bit unnecessary, I sometimes just like putting it up there for fun. This one is self explanatory, just tells the person to drop the flag and if they speak spanish it does the same in spanish.
It has been really annyoing this patch with the lack of competent healers, most healers will roll healing specs for damage and to easily heal themselves, so this one is for anyone out there who doesnt roll a healing class:
/say Please heal me!
/say %t please throw me a heal!
Pretty self explanatory, but has saved me plenty of times.
I have these loaded on my action bar, some people like using them I dont use them very often:
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going TUNNEL!
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going RAMP!
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going GY Side!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going TUNNEL!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going RAMP!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going GY Side!
Side note tip for those of you going for a Arena-Grand-Master
If you die in the arena there is a little trick you can use to give yourself a few seconds of opening time. You can /lay while you are dead, that way when you rez you will be slightly less noticeable to enemy players for a few moments while your character gets up. Its not much just ment to get you those few extra seconds that may get you another Arena Master. ( then obviously you can easily macro this.)
These are just a few macos I use, they are VERY simple and can save you alot of rageing in /bg when your team is loosing, because then there is no excuse.
(You can substitute whatever phrases you want into what I already have up here to fit your needs, these are more just scripts)
P.S. If you like these, I have some more complicated macros for warrior (my main) that I can post.
Happy Bging.
When you are going group vers group and the other group has a healer that your allys arent targeting.:
/say Focus %t
What this does is it /says in chat to focus whoever your target is.
If you are a flag carrier, and you get flag blocked by a sub 1k hp druid flag-hero.:
#showtooltip Enrage
/say Please pass me the flag, I have more health than you; Por favor, pase el indicador, tengo más salud que usted
The tool tip is a bit unnecessary, I sometimes just like putting it up there for fun. This one is self explanatory, just tells the person to drop the flag and if they speak spanish it does the same in spanish.
It has been really annyoing this patch with the lack of competent healers, most healers will roll healing specs for damage and to easily heal themselves, so this one is for anyone out there who doesnt roll a healing class:
/say Please heal me!
/say %t please throw me a heal!
Pretty self explanatory, but has saved me plenty of times.
I have these loaded on my action bar, some people like using them I dont use them very often:
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going TUNNEL!
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going RAMP!
/bg Our Flag Carrier is going GY Side!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going TUNNEL!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going RAMP!
/bg The Enemy Flag Carrier is going GY Side!
Side note tip for those of you going for a Arena-Grand-Master
If you die in the arena there is a little trick you can use to give yourself a few seconds of opening time. You can /lay while you are dead, that way when you rez you will be slightly less noticeable to enemy players for a few moments while your character gets up. Its not much just ment to get you those few extra seconds that may get you another Arena Master. ( then obviously you can easily macro this.)
These are just a few macos I use, they are VERY simple and can save you alot of rageing in /bg when your team is loosing, because then there is no excuse.
(You can substitute whatever phrases you want into what I already have up here to fit your needs, these are more just scripts)
P.S. If you like these, I have some more complicated macros for warrior (my main) that I can post.
Happy Bging.