a few questions ...


I'm currently playing a mage at LvL 84 on EU-Gehennas (horde). A few questions about this.

1.) Why are some players in this bracket playing a LvL 81 toon? Nobody gets scaled up in the battleground. It remains a toon with 45k life against characters with 85k life or more. I saw Palas with 100k in battlegrounds. Or am I missing something here?

2.) Should I play Fire or Frost in the battleground? When it comes to leveling, I'm currently playing Frost. This skill really has massive control with countless ways to freeze and deep freeze. Fire is supposed to do more damage, but seems to be worse in defense. Can anyone give me a tip or link to a video guide?

3.) Is there a group on my server that occasionally runs battlegrounds or instances? My English isn't particularly good, but it should be enough for a BG here and there.

Thank you + best regards
1.) Why are some players in this bracket playing a LvL 81 toon? Nobody gets scaled up in the battleground. It remains a toon with 45k life against characters with 85k life or more. I saw Palas with 100k in battlegrounds. Or am I missing something here?

81 has the highest secondary stat scaling. Extremely powerful for boomies, fire mages and frost dks (probably BM hunters too but your pet will die). I've never seen anyone out dmg my 81 boomie US yet. Usually 3+ mil dmg every BG, did 7.2 mil in AV recently. But yes 81 is squishy. You can sorta survive at 81 by being ranged, resil scales okish (I have 22% dmg reduction) and using spinal healing injectors (full hp heal every 1 min). Also almost 50% crit on lifebloom (glyphed) helps a lot. Oh and the +90 all resist flask from the alchemy bonus helps too.

I have almost 20% haste, 40% crit and 27% mastery I think. 84's can't even come close to that. Not too mention hurricane is another 10% haste and can double proc for +20%. Hurricane enchant at 84 is dog water.

84 is better for other specs. 84 rogues, rets and hunters seem to be best from what I've seen. Probably some others I don't know about.

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Thanks for your answer.

I already knew about the secondary values, but that seems to be only one side of the coin.

I now have completely without buffs in LvL-gear @ 81:

40k lives
2k int
18% crit
11% haste

In a deep freeze I can now crit with 3x 11k dmg. Against an opponent who also only has 40k life, that's a lot.
Sure resi helps reduce the damage, but it's only a 4 second window. @ LvL 84 in Endgear I would rather assume that 3x 15k or 3x 16k or something like that are possible.

Previously in twink PvP we always had characters with maximum hp in addition to glass cannons. Whoever lives can do damage or heal... ;-)

How much health does your 81 Druid have without any buffs?

I definitely thank you for your input. I'll let that sink in and then decide whether to leave the character at LvL 81 or level it up further.

I now have completely without buffs in LvL-gear @ 81:

40k lives
2k int
18% crit
11% haste

Just being level 81 in leveling gear isn't enough. To get results you have to twink. Self buffed (mark of the wild, moonkin form) my druid has

47.3 k hp
3186 int (4518 spell power)
17.13% hit (you need 17% to not miss 84's)
19.8 % haste
38.69% crit
23% mastery (I thought it was higher sorry)
845 resil

Basically your stats are too low at 81 to do anything. I'm wearing 11 x lvl 81 blues. 9 are ilvl 316, 1 is ilvl 308 and 1 is ilvl 300. Also the alchemy ilvl 359 trinket. Using 3 x +40 int gems and a bunch of cata enchants.

Also 81 as frost isn't great. I think you'd have to stack mastery. Better off going fire and stacking crit. It's honestly easier to just twink at 84. 81 requires more effort in gearing and you're squishy.
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I am aware that my level 81 mage in level gear is not a real twink. I didn't mean to say that. If you understood it that way, it wasn't intended.

I just wanted to point out that the "bad" level 81 mage can crit with over 10k, sometimes even 12k. And that's with the low main and secondary values. In a deep freeze I have a time window of 3 to 4 seconds and can currently manage 30k+. With a level 84 character in end gear, I assumed that damage of almost 50k in those 4 seconds is quite possible. And that's why the question is how much life your character has at 81. A level 84 character would certainly survive this possible 50k damage. A character at level 81 maybe only with a bit of luck or a lot of resistance. This was the actual point.

I will definitely try fire, thanks for the tip.

When I'm at level 84, I'll post my values here and see if they're significantly worse or better.

In addition to the higher HP pool, we shouldn't forget the higher "base damage". In addition to the stamina values, the int value should also be significantly higher at level 84.

Do you think you would win in a 1 vs 1 against a level 84 boomie in level 333 gear? That is, if you have an equally talented opponent, not a beginner.

It is interesting to hear the opinions. Thanks for the exchange of ideas.
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I am aware that my level 81 mage in level gear is not a real twink. I didn't mean to say that. If you understood it that way, it wasn't intended.

I just wanted to point out that the "bad" level 81 mage can crit with over 10k, sometimes even 12k. And that's with the low main and secondary values. In a deep freeze I have a time window of 3 to 4 seconds and can currently manage 30k+. With a level 84 character in end gear, I assumed that damage of almost 50k in those 4 seconds is quite possible. And that's why the question is how much life your character has at 81. A level 84 character would certainly survive this possible 50k damage. A character at level 81 maybe only with a bit of luck or a lot of resistance. This was the actual point.

I will definitely try fire, thanks for the tip.

When I'm at level 84, I'll post my values here and see if they're significantly worse or better.

In addition to the higher HP pool, we shouldn't forget the higher "base damage". In addition to the stamina values, the int value should also be significantly higher at level 84.

Do you think you would win in a 1 vs 1 against a level 84 boomie in level 333 gear? That is, if you have an equally talented opponent, not a beginner.

It is interesting to hear the opinions. Thanks for the exchange of ideas.

So the only reason to make a 81 frost mage is to stack mastery. It will scale very high at 81, much higher than 84. 81 will definitely hit harder than 84 on frozen targets unless you're a budget twink. Your comparisons are meaningless unless you stack mastery at 81 for frost mages.

But you lose a ton of HP. So it's your choice. And 81 is about being a glass cannon for Bgs, it's not a 1v1 dueling build.
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are you able to queue with locked exp and get grouped in leveling brackets?
Just being level 81 in leveling gear isn't enough. To get results you have to twink. Self buffed (mark of the wild, moonkin form) my druid has

47.3 k hp
3186 int (4518 spell power)
17.13% hit (you need 17% to not miss 84's)
19.8 % haste
38.69% crit
23% mastery (I thought it was higher sorry)
845 resil

Basically your stats are too low at 81 to do anything. I'm wearing 11 x lvl 81 blues. 9 are ilvl 316, 1 is ilvl 308 and 1 is ilvl 300. Also the alchemy ilvl 359 trinket. Using 3 x +40 int gems and a bunch of cata enchants.

Also 81 as frost isn't great. I think you'd have to stack mastery. Better off going fire and stacking crit. It's honestly easier to just twink at 84. 81 requires more effort in gearing and you're squishy.
Hey :) Which gear (and enchants?) did you use to reach that amount of resil?
Hey :) Which gear (and enchants?) did you use to reach that amount of resil?

Oh nice +40 resil to chest is working now.
Keep in mind that all those numbers are slightly wrong for whatever reason. Like in game I'm actually 47 375 hp, 19.8% haste(moonkin form). 38.69% crit, 17.13% hit, 4518 sp. 865 resil is correct though.

It should also be +50 int to bracer and power torrent on weapon but I ran out of gold.
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As the opener of this thread, I would like to get in touch again briefly. I hit LvL 84 today.

My values, just to be able to compare them with @raziel83 LvL 81 druid.

I have today:

72 k life
2.800 int
4.300 spell power
3,6% hit ( I need 4%, I think)
17,5% krit
7% mastery
11% haste

gearscore = 5600
iLvL = 300

I have 3 good, blue items, the rest are level gear or self-made.

I will now try to improve these values in the coming days and I will report what my final gear will look like.

What I'm really interested in @raziel83 is how did you get over 800 resi? Almost all of the gear drops in instances where no armor with resi drops, or am I missing something?

best regards
As the opener of this thread, I would like to get in touch again briefly. I hit LvL 84 today.

My values, just to be able to compare them with @raziel83 LvL 81 druid.

I have today:

72 k life
2.800 int
4.300 spell power
3,6% hit ( I need 4%, I think)
17,5% krit
7% mastery
11% haste

gearscore = 5600
iLvL = 300

I have 3 good, blue items, the rest are level gear or self-made.

I will now try to improve these values in the coming days and I will report what my final gear will look like.

What I'm really interested in @raziel83 is how did you get over 800 resi? Almost all of the gear drops in instances where no armor with resi drops, or am I missing something?

best regards
If you talking about his 81 druid, He uses some of wrathful gear from wrath but using it at lvl84 will make you lose alot of stats as cata greens offer alot more stats
Thank you for your feedback @Kyee.

I also think that LvL 80 items don't make sense at LvL 84, you lose too many 2nd stats.

But it's also interesting to see that when the character is equipped, the overall stats don't improve all that much. My Mage now has an item level of 312 and almost 80k health, but the 2nd stats are still in the basement, that's how it feels. The best value is crit at just under 13%, the rest of the values are under 10%. I really expected more here.

I don't have a character at LvL 85 yet and therefore no experience. I don't think I can get any of the 2nd stats above 20%.
That makes the idea of the LvL 81 character somehow charming. 36% crit and the almost 25% damage reduction through resi make the "only 47k" lives not that bad.

A druid in particular has high mobility and can flee and heal in an emergency ...

best regards
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the story about a LvL 81 druid somehow impressed me. I have now started leveling a Druid. I'm at LvL 45.

Now my question, my request. Does anyone have any advice on playstyle and so on.

When leveling as an owl, I discovered that the druid is a mana slinger after all. I also didn't really understand the idea of the moon and sun phases yet. It seems more sensible to stay in the moon phase and use Wrath and Moonfire, right?

What are the most important spells in the BG, where do I position myself . . . I would be happy if anyone has something to read or a vid to watch. Or other tips.
Thank you !

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