A few questions about my rogue.


1) What's wrong gear wise?

There are things that I know are wrong and I will explain those below, but anything I don't know about, please explain.

-Need another Cruel Barb

-Need Spidersilk Drape (For hit cap)

-Need fishing hat

-Need AGM/pvp neck/pvp trinket

-Spec (take one out of sub and put into Imp SS)

-Chest and gloves enchants (can't find any on my server, will be changing to ruin Battlegroup soon)

-Professions (working on it)

-Need BoA's

2) What server should I transfer him too?

I am transferring him to somewhere on ruin, anything I should send with him? (gold, potions, rumsey rum, etc.)

3.) BoA's

What BoA's should I get? Can you mail BoA's cross realm?

4.) What are my chances of finding a twink guild on ruin servers?

If I can't find one, will I be fine without it, and just PvP until I do find one?

5.) What should I know about PvPing?

Things like Weapon speed, when to kick, etc. anything will help, never really twinked.

6.) How will I make money when I transfer?

To get potions etc.

7.) What is hit cap?

11 right?

8.) Anything else I need gearwise?

Probably is, I don't have anything other then what I am wearing.

Armory link: [char=Stormreaver]%C3%9Feserk[/char]
First of all. We have a lot of good rogues on this site that would be more than willing to help you out. Send any one of us a pm and well try to get you what you need.

2. Find a twink guild (in the guild section here or find a recruiting thread on the bg forums) and transfer to that server. Find the guild is better than xfering and no guild is on that server. Things to take with is fast selling high priced things. Titanium ore and expensive pets are good options.

3. You cannot cross relm BoAS. So be smart. Check out my armory and thats a goo idea. Shadowcraft shoulders and chest. 2 haste trinkets just in case and the bow just in case.

4. Get a guild that wants you before you transfer. That way you can get an invite whwn you arrive. If you dont do that and say you have a friend on a server you wabt to go to. There may or may not be a twink guild there. It depends on your playstyle if you just want to pug every time or premade too.

5. Well you are very new ehh? Because rogues do not get poisons at 19, you dobt need a weapon designed for applying poison. Therefore you wabt the highest dps. Refur to other threads (i believe IACC does a lot of that). You wabt to kick on important spells. If a mage is casting a frostbolt, that may not be as big as if he casts a poly. Ill let you decide on that. It would be better for you to ask questions than me give a pvp guide ;)

6. Refur to what i said before. Option 1: make a Dk. Option 2: buy and resell. I hope you know how to make a dk so ill give you an idea on re selling. If titanium ore sells for 300g a stack. You see a stack in the AH for 200g. You buy it. All other stacks are 280g in the Ah. You put it in for 250g and in 5 mins someone buys it. You just made 50g in 5 mins. By sitting there. Get an idea of prices on your relm and frequently check for deals.

7. You would be correct. 14 for nelfs? Idk i play ally so not importabt for wsg.

8. Get multiple sets. Sometimes you may need somthing in one fight and not in the next. Be prepared. About to check your armory link.

I hope this helps. Send a PM if you have any questions to one of the many rogues here.
its 15 for NE's to be precise.

the poison thing too. we have many rogue threads hidden around here too.

I'm a little too inebriated atm sry >.>

ok i can finaly view ur armory profile.

1. get minor speed to boots

2. spider silk since you need the hit cap

3. get 15 agility to gloves

4. chest enchant should be +4 stats

5. to get the most out of your talent setup you need

A) glyph of garrote

B) put your one extra talent in master of deception

C) put stealth on your cloak

with just lvl 19 stealth you won't get the garrote often.

lvl 22. is prefferable (since we end up being 21 against humans) but, 21 is the best you can do.
Chances are I'll be changing my spec, the enchants are a problem, the cloak may also be a problem, but I am working on it. Mainly because of my server. I am working on getting BoA Shoulders, Chest and a BWTB, considering a bow but probably not. My new spec would be:

2/2 Imp Sin. Strike

5/5 Imp Dual Wield

1/2 Imp SnD

2/5 Precision (or somewhere else once I get my BoA's)
im not to fond of of the OH buff. it makes it 75% instead of 50%, but it doesn't do anything except make your OH white hits a little harder. Gouge/eviscerate/opportunity, all of them actually will give you more versatility/survivability and imp eviscerate is the best dmg talent.
Crilicilyn said:
im not to fond of of the OH buff. it makes it 75% instead of 50%, but it doesn't do anything except make your OH white hits a little harder. Gouge/eviscerate/opportunity, all of them actually will give you more versatility/survivability and imp eviscerate is the best dmg talent.

I dunno, when I'm running my DPS spec my offhand CB crits for around 110 pretty often. So I wouldn't say it's just a tiny bit harder.

But I agree the points are better spent elsewhere if you actually want to be useful to your team.
Glyph of garrote is not good crily :( i LOVE glyph of sprint. With this i can kill a druid FC by myself with a speed pot. Very critical sometimes. But what you put on your list he already said he needed most if not all of that, why i didbt mention. But yeah. Off hand talent with me having 2 SFs is a big dps increase

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