A desperate call. Share thoughts/opinions/what ever you feel like.


Hey guys.
Iam making this thread because i recently came back to wow, and also back to twinking.
When i last played this bracket, it was during the end of wotlk i believe or start of cata, when they basicly made twinks being able to queue
vs twinks only.And damn!In the start it was very popular.I used to get alot of bgs, full av's 40vs40 every 5 to 10 minutes.
The thing is, that after i came back and made a warlock (which iam currently leveling to 60) i also did some research regarding the brackets.
It turned out that our bracket, 60s die out.
And that hurts.I recently read this thread : http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f190/bracket-most-competitive-60814/
Every bracket is there apart from ours.
Why?Why did 60s die out?Is it because of 64s?Is it because certain classes are OP?Or simply because people lost their interest?
I will play 60s, i will be active and queue for bgs daily when i lvl my warlock. AND

To become active again.
Please discuss your opinions/thoughts about 60s, if you played and gave up are you planning to return?And why did you give up on the first time?Do you think 60s will become active as it used to be?
Also before you ask I don't even know why i made this thread, just felt like it.

Mostly people are scared and it's understandable. Most of the 60 activity is happening against bots, less scary. Nowadays the only place you can and will get action is exp-on. But this new mode scare the sh*t out of most people. Starting with the queue times about 1h if you're lucky... so don't expect exp-off... don't even think about it, if you can't handle exp-on, you can't handle exp off.

What faction are you? Link your toon... maybe I can hook you up, there are a few people left that are not scared in EU. They want you too, maybe.

There is some glimpse of activity in US@60... as they are having discussions over there in the official forums... I believe they are also having some exp-on games. In the EU nobody ever reply to these threads so don't expect fireworks.
If it can make you feel better, most twink brackets are dead or dying (beside 20-24 and arena at 70). Dying= over 20min queue for BG imo.

Now let's talk about 60s. The reason why it is dead dead (as no PvP activity) as to do with 3 factors:
1) poor class balance: a prot war will litteraly one shot another twink for ex.
2) pve focused communauty. This has a lot to do with 1)
3) population is low compared to 20, 24s, 70s, 85s

Then add some ego drama, and a terrible faction unbalance last time 60-64 ex off poped on a regular basis at the end of Cata (aka 64s and gems twinks on Horde gy farming vanilla geared alliance). Players just gave up. Queues stopped and it was over. I played on both sides. Playing in Only Hard Mode, Deck me Out and later Might of the Horde / Afterlife projects.

I think the return of $$$ T3 may have pissed some poor twinks as well. Some did rage quit on this.

With that said, the removal of base damage on skills (aka you hopefully won't get one shot anymore by your average charging prot) in WoD as well had harder vanilla raids could increase the appeal of 60s.
As of today, there is little hope. But we only have 2 months before pre patch to see how it will turn out.

I think you'll find some active guilds on Argent Dawn meanwhile. I didn't contact any since the explosion of Afterlife though :s the bulwark on horde and paradox something on ally (sorry forgot the name).

I hope it helps a bit. You are not alone :cool:
Please discuss your opinions/thoughts about 60s, if you played and gave up are you planning to return?And why did you give up on the first time?Do you think 60s will become active as it used to be?
Also before you ask I don't even know why i made this thread, just felt like it.


I'm so sorry but going through that dead forum, I can't resist going back over this unbelievable post. This thread is basically the testimony of why 60 is dead. Some people make it look like they care, but they absolutely don't, not one yota. My cat cares a lot more. You got one dude posting out of no where, "please" this, "we want you" that "discuss". "I'm supper pumped", "I'm gonna be active". GO GO GO! But he is already /afk. So impossibly A-C-T-I-V-E that the guy can't even bother replying to his own topic.

& Gz for your TF Xanatos ^^ Your EIGHT dps TF, that's a nice timing. Trolled hard by blizz. I'm laughing in pain sorry dude.
& Gz for your TF Xanatos ^^ Your EIGHT dps TF, that's a nice timing. Trolled hard by blizz. I'm laughing in pain sorry dude.

Haha thanks. I am on beta too. Yeah shame about the TF Nerf :s glaives and eskhandar paw haste procs are still insane though. Btw is TF bugged or what? Seems odd to have a leg having less damage than a lvl 8 green dagger
It always did shitty damage, which is why no one ever used it except for show-off (some people also claimed they used it for the proc, but mweeh).

Though I have to agree, the damage is rea-heally low now.
It always did shitty damage, which is why no one ever used it except for show-off (some people also claimed they used it for the proc, but mweeh).

Though I have to agree, the damage is rea-heally low now.

Decided to write a ticket about it. Meaning the damage was too low (even if weap damage means crap in wod as most scale on ap only). Got an answer that it was the first report they got on a possible technical bug post squish and that they would look into it with their tech team. It might just be some bs answer though. So I would not give it too much credit.
Just geared a 69 enhance/resto sham on US and the 2s pop but that's it. If you want to pvp in the 60s the best option is world pvp IMO, sure you get killed by high levels sometimes but on high population pvp servers there's actually a good amount of appropriate level people in most leveling areas. That's where I have the most fun :p
maybe we could share our battle tags and kind of organize what times to log on we could get some bgs ands arenas going? Would be nice to do something outside of the 15 man 30 minute mc runs.

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